Katsuki Starts to Get Suspicious

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After we visited Uncle Aizawa, the doctor said that I was able to go home today. So, right now, Dad and I are walking home.

Of course, like always, there were reporters surrounding us everywhere. It's not really surprising because everyone would love to have a word with All Might.

Anyways, Dad tried to hide me from the reporters so they wouldn't get suspicious, but failed because a reporter caught sight of me.

"Who's that?" the reporter said, pointing me. All Might looked at me and then to the reporter.

"This is one of my students" he tried to convince the press, but of course, they didn't believe it.

"Why are you guys walking together at night then!" Dad didn't know what to say, but luckily I stepped in.

"All Might and I are patrolling the streets. It's a real honor to be next to and working with the number 1 hero, but we must get going so we can get back to patrolling, so excuse us" I told everyone while walking away with Dad right next to me.

"You handled that well" he looked at me with a smile.

"Of course I did. I learned it from you."

All Might and I then walk into U.A. together. I saw Todoroki walking up to us. I looked at Dad and he nodded, taking the hint and then walking away from us.

"So about the date, I'll pick you up at 7" he winks at me. I nodded and he walked away.

After he was out of my eyesight, I quickly ran to my room to find something to wear.

After a while, I finally found something comfortable that I can wear.

(I tried to make it so not only girls, but guys, non-binary, etc can be able to wear)

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(I tried to make it so not only girls, but guys, non-binary, etc can be able to wear)

After I put it on, I walked out of U.A only to see Todoroki with flowers in his hands. When he looked up and saw me, he turned bright pink.

"Shall we go, my prince?" I asked him, holding my hand out. He chuckled and grabbed my hand.

"We shall, my queen/king."

Todoroki took me to a fancy restaurant. A waiter led us to a table and we sat down.

"This is too expensive, let me pay" I say as I look at Todoroki.

"No, let me. I'm taking you on this date." he looks at me. I nod. "Anyways, what do you want to eat?" I look at the menu.

"Spaghetti and Meatballs!." Todoroki looks at me and smiles. He looks at the waiter and says "Two Spaghetti and Meatballs, please."

After eating and after Todoroki paid, Todo and I walked to his place. We go to his room and I sit on his bed.

"Here are some of my clothes since you must be a little too much. Plus, it's cold in here" he hands me his clothes. I nod and go to his bathroom and change.

He gave me his hoodie, which is big, and his pajama pants. I chuckle as I look at myself in his mirror. I can't believe I'm falling head over heels for this boy I thought. I get out of the bathroom and sit back on his bed. Todoroki sits next to me.

We talk for a bit before we suddenly start to look at each other. We stare deeply into each other's eyes before Todoroki leans in and kisses me. I eyes widen in surprise. But then, I kiss him back. It wasn't a hard or rushed kiss. Just a soft one.

After a while, we pull back for air and looks at me "Will you be my girlfriend/boyfriend?" I looks at him and answer without hesitation.


I wake up to see Todoroki with his arm around my waist. I carefully get up and use some of Todoroki's clothes. I put on his oversized shirt and wear his pants. I brush my teeth with my own brush that I left here and brushed my hair. Then I went to wake Todoroki up.

After a while, Todoroki and I walk into U.A. and look at each other. He gives me a kiss on the cheek before he walked into class.

After a couple minutes of me changing into my own clothes in my room, I walk into my classroom.

When I first got in, All Might immediately asked to speak to me outside. I told Todoroki that I'll be back. Dad and I walk into the hallway "Where have you been!?" he looked at me.

"I was on a date with Todoroki. I tried to text you, but my phone was dead and I slept over his house because it was dark." He sighed.

"This is the second time that this happened. It better not be a third" Dad demanded. I nodded. We then went back into class.

As I was going to sit in my seat, Katsuki grabbed my arm and made me face him.

"Are you and All Might related?" he talked loud enough for everyone to hear. They all looked at Dad and I as if asking the same question.

"No, I'm not" I looked at Katsuki until he took a piece of my hair "If you aren't, you wouldn't mind if we did a DNA test, right?" I looked at him shocked until I accidentally blurted out.

"I wouldn't mind." I immediately regretted what I said right then and there and Dad noticed it. He then blurted out and told everyone.

"(Y/N) Yagi is my child."

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