Void Princess and Rookie Guardian - The United Front

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The void orb flew and exploded, releasing a shockwave which shook the place, causing some bits of the ceiling to fall off. After the impact of the attack subsided, Vega remained standing, having protected himself from the attack by dispersing it with his sword.

"Bold words. Truly bold words."

Vega recoiled, He slouched forward and bended down before the part of the Destruction Wing attached to him seemingly snapped him back into place. A slow but continuous heartbeat echoed throughout the foyer. 

"... Just like those who foolishly opposed me. It is not you who will be passing judgment. It is I, savior of the lost! The lone beacon of hope in a city that has become so corrupted!"

Vega, in a fit of rage, slashed his sword downwards, cutting one of the frontmost pews in half. The candles that lit the room flickered on and off, all while the archbishop yelled at the petite girl in front of him.

Amaya's facial expression remained unchanged. Not during Vega's intimidation attempt, and certainly not when he flung himself towards her with his wings. Her response to the flying enemy towards her was simply one of her usual scoffs. This was followed by her materializing a black orb at the palm of her hands. 


Amaya tossed the orb towards Vega and caught him in an explosion. The result gust from the impact shook the entire room and caused the candles to flicker. 

Vega emerged from the explosion flying upwards. He was not incapacitated, but his shoulder showed the damage that has been done. Clothes, along with a chunk of the right shoulder was blown off and hung loosely. However, the rootlike structures from the Destruction Wing began executing a pumping action. As if pumping blood to the heart, where they are attached, the two extensions were able to heal Vega from his wounds.

"I feel power overflowing. Say, what shall we do, Wings of Freedom?" Vega monologued, as if talking to his metallic wings. "Shall I cut this insolent enemy down, or will you choose to impale her and absorb her being?"

The wings seemingly react with his statements. They continued pumping, and Vega's sword slowly lit up. Its glow slowly turned into actual flames on the blade. 

"So this is your answer."

Vega swung the flaming sword, releasing a wave of heat and flames all around him. It was only thanks to her quick reaction to deflect the wave with another dark orb that saved Amaya from taking the attack.

Vega used this opening to dive and take a swing at Amaya. His sword's flames died down, yet he came nearly really close to hitting with his attack. 

Amaya, who barely dodged the attack, created separation by jumping backwards and landing on top of a pew. 

Vega continued his relentless attack, pressing on and pursuing his opponent. He kept flying around and prevented Amaya from getting any opportunities to set up for a counter-attack. The result were several pews broken by the archbishop's sword, as well as slash marks on the walls.

Vega lunges forward, anticipating another dodge. Instead, Amaya ran towards him head on. 


Vega had left himself open and swung the wrong way. This gave Amaya the opening she needed, and she took advantage by planting her feet on the archbishop's chest. Using the force from that, she kicked herself off and launched herself backwards, summoning another black void orb in mid-air. 

While in mid-air, Amaya tossed the orb downwards, engulfing Vega in another explosion as she gracefully landed on her feet some meters away.

"It's useless. That won't defeat him, and my body won't be able to keep this up for long," conceded her. Despite that, she looked ready to keep battling, knowing very well that Vega would soon emerge and that the cycle would continue.

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