Ch.27.1: Wegginfaezerie City Carnival

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Note: Underlined parts are Kathula tail sign language.


Pinti's Saboteur silenced her with a puff of red smoke that smelled like soot. She couldn't speak or move. She was trapped on the bed as he floated above her as a blob of shadow that rippled when he breathed. An ugly, guttural sound came from him. She glanced over at Daero, but he was turned the other way and seemed to be fast asleep.

"Pinti, you can't go to Rauvuren Trude." Her Saboteur's guttural language turned to Kathulan as he spoke to her. "You won't find anything there."

She pulled her tail out from under her. You're just trying to stop me. She signed.

"I am." His voice was even.

She bared her fangs and bristled. Well you can't because I'll get the Scepter of Tamido and destroy Edglings like you did with Kathula. Like you killed my family! She moved her tail in fiery succession, channeling her anger through her signing.

He morphed into his wolf form with the antlers and stared down at her, still floating. Silence stretched on. His shoulders rose and fell in a sigh. When he spoke, his words were stiff. "We will take it before you. We will wish for Kathula extinction and end what we began. The world shall be cleansed. It's what we want." He turned his head away from her. Something fell on the sheet next to her arm and let up a trail of smoke.

"A strange thought," he whispered, and held her under his gaze. "I don't know what's right anymore." His eyes turned glossy. The Saboteur rubbed his eyes and evaporated into thin air. Pinti gasped for breath as her voice returned.

"Feigat," she whispered. Whatever had fallen from him had burned a hole open on the sheet, leaving the edges charred. There was a faint scent of something like fennel which was strange because Edglings always had a sour stench.

But what was that about? Is he just taunting me? Her heart was beating and now the encounter kept her awake. Not only was the scent strange but so was the fact he didn't hurt her which she was, of course, glad about.

The Saboteur had basically said they had the scepter, and she would be too late. Pinti sat up. A pale, yellow light shone through the window against a brightening sky. How much time had passed? Blinking her dry eyes, she swung her legs over the side, unable to rest. She watched Daero with jealousy. How could he sleep at a time like this? Her Saboteur had just come to taunt her like he always did.

"Daero," she called, but he didn't stir.

"Daero," She said again, and he groaned but still didn't wake up. With a soft hiss she yelled his name and he snapped open his eyes.

"What?" he said with a gasp. "Something's wrong?"

"I think we should go." Pinti sat up on the bed, careful to avoid that burnt spot. "My Saboteur just came by to taunt me about the scepter. We can't wait anymore."

Daero grumbled and rubbed his eyes. "He's just messing with you" He argued. "Go back to sleep."

Pinti knew instincts when she felt them. "We should go." She went to the window to look out at the garden.

Dark blue turned gray as the sun poked its sleepy head out. The two moons seemed to run away in haste, retreating to the far edge of the sky. Pink hues colored the horizon as the orange sun glowed ever brighter.

Someone knocked on the door. It was Thereanbold by scent. Daero let out a loud annoyed sigh for being disturbed and went to answer it.

The scent of freshly baked ginger cookies waltzed into the room. In Thereanbold's arms was a large basket full to the brim with cookies. Any that fell out promptly floated back to the top of the pile.

"Good morning! I brought something special for you," He gave a little grin and made wiggling gestures with his fingers. Little bags came out of his pocket, opening up for cookies that floated in.

"I am so lazy. A lazy Lizlerrin. Lazyrrin you can call me." He sniggered, and his mustache wavered.

"Yes, thank you, Lazyrrin," remarked Daero with a smirk and took the little bags. "But for what? Have you been eavesdropping?"

Thereanbold laughed. "Just a sixth sense, perhaps? I had the feeling you were going to take whatever risk came your way. As my last gesture as your humble host," He gave a bow, "I'm going to take you to Vrebrinfeld Lowlands which is the nearest to Rauvuren Trude I'm willing to go, we'll have to go lurking. Carnival is not a place for other races," he said and gave a small smile. "There will be fewer people now if we hurry."

Pinti nodded. She wanted to believe he was nice and would be to the end, but how could she tell? She had to make sure. "Can we trust you?" Pinti said and Daero shot her a glare.

You don't just ask that to citizens. He signed quickly.

But Thereanbold wasn't fazed and he gave a light chuckle. "Can you trust me? A Sorcerer?" He stood up and came over to her. Then he took Pinti's paw in his scaly hands. They were surprisingly warm.

"You can't trust me, the Sorcerer," He squeezed her paw, "but you can trust me, Thereanbold Rygnaemere, race Halfhuman, specie Reptilen, sub-specie Lizlerrin, a fellow rarity." He gave her paw a firm shake, a wink, and let go. Pinti blinked at him and bit her lip, feeling the genuine warmth that was pure kindness. Not all Sorcerers were bad. She had to believe it.

* * *

An hour later, they were creeping out of the house quietly to not wake Lalina. At the bottom of the hill, stone-packed roads twisted between towering stone houses with brick-laded roofs, some of them mansions. They slipped through alleys, only once crossing over major street with an arrow sign pointing in the opposite direction they were going. Pinti squinted at the letters in the gloomy light and made out 'Cormeialette City'.

The air around them was still heavy with moisture from last night's rain. Her feet splashed through occasional puddles, but the splash made no sound. She glanced at Thereanbold for some explanation of this, but his eyes were fixed ahead, and he never slowed his pace.

Daero tapped her on the shoulder and signed, Sorcerers can isolate sound so as not to disturb others if they are doing something noisy.

How convenient. She signed with a grimace and Daero chuckled. What were the limits of Sorcerers? It seemed like they could do whatever they wanted.

Up ahead, was a carnival in full swing with colorful lights mingling with each other. Human and Halfhuman Sorcerers walked about in colorful cloaks. Some had their faces obscured behind masks made with colorful beads. They were laughing, dancing, playing flutes, drums, and trumpets, but Pinti couldn't hear anything.

Above them, a large white banner floated in midair, billowing in a strong wind that she couldn't feel. It said, 'Two-Hundred & Eleventh Anniversary Wegginfaezerie City' in flaming letters.

Thereanbold pointed to an alleyway across a small square with a fountain. "That's the closest way to the gates nearest Vrebrinfeld Lowlands," he whispered.

"Why can't you just teleport us there?" Daero whispered back, but Thereanbold shook his head.

"Magick gets distorted over there sometimes. Don't want to risk getting lost somewhere we don't want to be." He grimaced and pointed again to alleyway. "Okay, we'll have to run and wear these to hide your blue, and," He eyed Pinti's and Daero's tails that moved on their own accord, "keep your tails unseen as much as you can."

Pinti brought her tail around her waist. It upset her balance a little, but she would rather lose her dignity than her life.

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