t a l t o

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"Richie?" Beverly whispered. Richie blinked and turned to the red head.

"Are you okay? What are you looking at?" She turned in the direction he had been staring at for the past few minutes.

"N-nothing," He nervously turned back to his desk.

"We're doing another project, partners." Bev filled him in.

"We working together, Molly Ringwald?" He asked.

"No, he's assigning us partners." Beverly gestured to their teacher.

Richie wasn't very popular with his classmates. They all thought he was weird for the jokes he made when he was in middle school. Three years later he had toned them down but people still held it against him. No one ever really talked to him, which is why he hated when teachers assigned partners.

"I hope he puts us together," Bev smiled.

"You know the asswad never does," Richie said. They sat there and waited for their teacher to finish assigning partners. A few minutes later he finished and taped a piece of paper onto the wall behind him. Beverly rushed over to see who she got paired with.

"Who'd you get?" Richie asked.

"Mike Hanlon." She smiled.

"You got the new kid by the way, Eddie." She said.


Richie scanned the room for him, eventually finding him behind the crowd in front of the paper on the wall. He looked like he was struggling to see the list.

Richie wanted to walk over and tell him they were partners but he couldn't. He was too shy.

"Why don't you go meet with your partner?" Beverly asked.

"What, so you can go flirt with Mike?" Richie laughed. Beverly flipped him off.

"You have five seconds until I break your glasses, Toizer." She glared at him. Richie chuckled, getting his things and started walking over to Eddie.

"Hey," Richie looked down at the small boy. He turned around, almost scared.

"We're partners." Richie said.

"Oh, I-I'm Eddie Kaspbrak." He held his hand out.

"Richie," Richie hesitantly shook Eddies hand, feeling the most nervous hes ever felt.

Once their hands touched, both the boys got a sharp pain in their heads. Neither of them made it obvious because they were in class.

Richie quickly let go while Eddie stared up at him, admiring his messy hair and coke bottle glasses. Eddie smiled, he knew what this meant.

"So where did you want to meet?" Richie asked, avoiding eye contact.

"My house," Eddie said. "If you're okay with that."

Richie thought about it. What if something happens between us?

"Sure." Richie agreed.

"Okay," Eddie smiled. He could feel the dopey look he had on his face. He was so excited to have finally found his soulmate, to see color. Richie seemed to be Eddie's idea of perfection.

"We can walk to my house after school." Eddie gave the tall boy one last smile before walking back to his desk.

i hate how everytime i type tall it autocorrects to YALL. like ill write an entire chapter and when i proof read it, there's like 4 yall's in it.

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