l a b i n g - a n i m

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After they had their first 'fight' last month, Richie and Eddie had started spending all their time together. Richie mainly doing this because he felt terrible for the way he talked to Eddie, even though Eddie was completely over it, Richie wasn't. He realized that they didn't really spend that much time together before then, he thought that he would make it up to him spending all this time together.

None of Richie's friends had seen much of him in that time either. They only really saw him during class but didn't get to talk much and during lunch he'd eat with Eddie some place else.

Eddie didn't mind spending all his time with Richie, if anything he loved it. He liked that they were learning new things about each other; their good and bad habits, nervous ticks. He learned that Richie hated avocados but loved guacamole.
• • • •
"What?" Eddie looked up at the freckled boy.

"Avocados feel weird, they're like mushy and shit." Richie explained.

"That's literally what guacamole is, mashed up avocados."

"Yeah but it's has other things in it, Im not just eating an avocado."  Eddie looked up at him, still not being able to make sense of what he was saying.

"It's still an avo-Jesus, Richard." Eddie sighed.
• • • •

Eddie loved what he had with Richie. They weren't just a couple, they were best friends. Eddie truly felt like he could tell Richie anything, Eddie thought that Richie felt the same way. He loved that they never argued and if they did it was over small things that were mainly as a joke. He felt like they were perfect.

Richie stopped by Eddie's house today to check up on him since he was sick. 

"You sure you're going to be okay?" Richie asked.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." Eddie sniffed.

"Alright. I'll come check on you again after school." Richie stood up off Eddie's bed.

"No, I don't want to get you sick." Eddie said.

"So does that mean I'm not getting a kiss goodbye?" Richie pretended to be sad.


"Not even one?" Richie sat back on Eddie's bed, giving him puppy eyes.

"It's unsanitary." Eddie giggled, pushing Richie's face away.

"No it's not," Richie leaned in.

"Stop, your birthdays coming up, I don't want you to get sick." Eddie laughed, pushing him away.

"Babe, I want you to get me sick." Richie joked.

"Ew, Richie that's gross." Eddie scrunched his face.

"We can share tissues." Richie suggested. Eddie glared at him.

"Fine." Richie stood up again, grabbing a pillow off Eddie's bed.

"Bye, loser." Richie threw the pillow at Eddie, walking out.

Richie started making his way down to school. He felt odd walking to school without Eddie. He'd gotten so used to talking to him and just having his company.

"Hey, stranger." Someone called out. Richie turned around to see Beverly, Stan and Bill.

"Hey." Richie smiled, realizing how much he missed them.

"What's with the tucked in shirt? You look like you sue people for fun." Stan pointed out.

Eddie told him to start doing that because he thought it looked nicer.

"I could project a movie on your forehead." Richie said. Stan laughed, both of them missing trading insults.

Richie liked how there was no awkward tension between them, they all seemed to pick up where they left off.

As they all started walking to class, they all started catching each other up. Stan got a drivers permit, Beverly got a job at an animal center and Bill learned how to start a sentence with 'did' without stuttering as much.

The rest of the school day Richie and his friends spent as much of the day together as they could. He missed spending time with them since he'd been so busy with Eddie. Not that he was tired of spending time with him, he loved being around Eddie. He just missed his friends.

After school they all went to see a movie together. They all decided to watch The Adams Family.

"Who p-picked that f-f-fucking movie?" Bill threw an empty bag of candy away.

"Stan." Beverly chuckled.

"What, you guys didn't like it?" Stan looked around at his friends.

"Uncle F-F-Fester scares the f-fuck out of me." Bill said.

"Uncle Fester?" Richie laughed.

"He l-looks like he s-smokes crack." Bill chuckled.

"The fucking butler looks like he coughs on babies." Stan added.

Richie missed this. They'd go to the movie theaters all the time and watch any and every movie. Even if it was bad, they'd find ways to entertain themselves. He missed how free he felt are und his friends.

As they all started getting on their bikes, Richie checked his watch.

6:48 pm

Even thought Eddie told Richie not to stop by again, he knew Eddie and that he'd actually be really happy if he did.

"Hey, I gotta go guys. I'll see you tomorrow." Richie say bye to his friends and made his way to Eddie's house.

Once he got there, he knocked on the door, Eddie opening it.

"Hi." Eddie smiled widely.

"Are you feeling any better?" Richie asked. Eddie opened the door to let him in.

"A little, I had some tea earlier." Eddie closed the door. He looked over at Richie and noticed how happy he was. He seemed so energetic.

"Someone's happy." Eddie chuckled, sitting on his couch. Richie joined him

"Yeah, I went out with Bev, Stan and Bill." Richie smiled.

"Did you have fun?" Eddie was always excited to hear about Richie's friends. He'd never met them before and he really wanted to. He wondered if Richie had told them about him. 

"Yeah, we went to the theatre. Fuck, I forgot how much I missed them. Today was as one of the best days of my life." Richie beamed. He looked at Eddie.

"But I have so much fun with you, too." He said quickly.

Eddie laughed.

"Relax, Im not jealous or anything. They're your friends, I get it, I'd never try to take them from you."

"This is why your my favorite." Richie smiled, grabbing Eddie's head and kissing it.

"I'm sick!" Eddie pushed him away, starting on a rant about germs.

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