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The sun shone with brilliance over the petals of the many flowers in the back garden of the beautiful mansion. Stella walked through the garden smiling as she inhaled the fresh fragrance of the air mixed with the scents of the daisies in the garden. She walked through the path of lilies towards the bench. She sat down and watched the sea waves hit the shore. Nature always gave her some kind of inner peace which she deserved concerning her condition. A servant came towards her carrying a tray of food which she had requested to eat in the garden. "My Lady your breakfast "  the servant said with a bow.
"Thank you Florence you may leave". Stella placed the tray of assorted delicacies on the side table and began eating.
"You know its not courteous to eat off the dining table my dear." Her father's voice said from behind her. "I didn't mean to offend you father I just wanted to have my breakfast in the garden today."
"This must not repeat my dear that is not how I trained you." He said exiting the garden. All Stella ever wanted was to have the liberty to do what ever she wanted but her hardheaded father had denied her of such privileges. She loved her father all right but that was the only thing she didn't like about him. She finished up her breakfast and headed to the seashore removing her pumps she placed her feet in the cold refreshing water bringing a smile to her face. She wished she could forget all her troubles and be happy for once. Her long gown got wet at the edges as it made contact with the water. With her feet she splashed the water and watched the waves move in sync.  The sun began to rise slowly indicating the start of day and a day of more boredom. Stella got up and walked towards the stables. "Derek saddle my horse" she instructed the herdman. "Yes mi Lady". Stella's horse was a a tall white pony which her father gave her on her 15th birthday. She loved her horse so much that she rode it everyday and everywhere. She was only allowed to walk at the beach and ride the horse by her father. She hopped onto the horse and rode away from the stable,  her horse which she named Jasmine also took a liking to her mistress. She rode towards the woods at a regulated speed. Her discovery of a beautiful meadow in the mist of the forest awed her the first time she had been there. Its brilliance and magnificence brought her here everyday. Getting off the horse she walked toward the cliff and sat along the rocks as she took a novel from her saddle to read. She loved to read novels especially romance. She always imagined herself falling in love with a handsome man who would take care of her like those in her novels. A sound came from behind the trees in the still quiet of the atmosphere. She turned toward the sound and saw a movement.
Immediately she was alarmed and got up to see who it was." Who is there?" She said with a shaky voice placing the book on her chest. A figure of a man came into view and he was holding a knife. She began to panic and slowly walked backwards hitting her back to the trunk of a tree. "" She stammered. "Don't worry mi laday I'm just her for some money do you have?" A tall lanky man stepped forward out of the shadows and brought the knife towards her signalling  her to obey him. His breath stinked of alcohol and his voice was raspy indicating that he smoked. His face was covered in dirt  as though he hadn't taken his bath in a longtime. "Please Sir do not harm me"she said visibly shaking in her wits." I asked a question young Lady ".
"No i... do..n't " she replied.
"Wrong answer mi laday then you are coming with me." He said getting closer to her. She panicked and fell on her back.  Immediately a figure fell from among the trees and hit the man taking his weapon from him. He pinned him to the ground and held the knife to his throat. "Who are you?"

The robber asked the man. "What do you want with the lady?" The man said through gritted teeth.
"  just some mon..ey" he stammered in response.
"I'll spare you this time . I don't want to see you near her again understood?" He nodded vigorously. The man released him and the robber ran deep into the forest not looking back even once.
He turned to look at the damsel he had just saved. He had been watching her from the trees since she came to sit there. She had passed out due to the shock.

He went closer and brushed off her hair from her face and was in awe at her beauty.
The young lady had a smooth pale face and looked so calm in her sleep.
He picked her up and released her horse from the tree climbing into it with her on his laps. She stirred a little but still had her eyes closed. He knew her very well but he doubted if she did.

The horse started moving towards the Mendosa mansion. He made sure to draw no attention whatsoever so he took a secluded route.
Rans as everyone called him knew every part of the town like the back of his palm.
He got off the horse when he got to the lady's window and climbed up with the lady still lying in his strong,firm arms.

He placed her gently on the bed and she opened her eyes adjusting to her surrounding. She spotted the figure of a man before he slipped away through the window leaving her wondering who he was.
Looking round she realised she was back in her room.
Who was that young man  she wondered
Lifting herself from her bed she walked towards her bathroom the strange man still in her thoughts.

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