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The next month or so goes by in a blur, and I'm the happiest I've ever been. I have a few more friends now, this girl called Lyndsay who plays bass, and these two guys who I met in English, Alex and Jack, who are pretty cool. I've also got to know some of Pete's band mates, Patrick, Joe and Andy. It's weird. At my old school, you'd get your head kicked in for listening to punk rock, and you'd be isolated every day. But here, it's celebrated. Yeah, you've got your assholes who don't get it, but they're irrelevant to me.

It's nearly Halloween. It's always been my favourite holiday, ever since I was a little kid. I could be someone else for a whole day, and no one would judge me. As I got older, I started to use it as a way to blend in. On Halloween, I wasn't 'that weird punk kid', I could be a vampire, or a pirate, or whatever superhero I wanted to be. Halloween's also Frank's birthday.

Ever since we kissed in my car, we've grown closer. I walk him to class every morning, as well as take him to school every morning. Sure, we cuddle, make out occasionally and hold hands in public, but that doesn't mean that we're dating. Besides, he'd think differently of me if I told him that I'm trans. That's a perk of having accepting parents. When I came out at 14, they were on board. I sometimes worry that transitioning has not helped my family financially, but us being $500 poorer and my being alive is better than us having no money and me being dead. That's how we all look at it.

It's Frank's birthday on Wednesday, and I need to get him something I know he'll love. Even if we aren't technically boyfriends yet, I'm planning on asking him soon. Maybe for the winter formal. People shouldn't have a problem with us. It's 2010, we're not exactly a southern state, and about 30 minutes drive from New York City. I need to talk to Mikey about this.

Mikey's not home. There's a note on the fridge from him though. He must have left before I was awake. Who gets up before 12 pm on a Saturday? Oh yeah, my idiot brother who wants to spend time with his idiot partner.

Hey Gee,

You were still asleep when I left to go out this morning. I have my phone, I have enough money for a cab if I need it. Pete and I decided to go out for the day, and we'll be back for about 4 pm.

Hope you slept well, and don't remember to buy lover boy his birthday present.


At least he had the decency to leave me a note. When Pete and Mikey first started dating, he'd have a habit of taking off into the city to take Pete on some ridiculous date, or for them to 'hang out' at Pete's. It doesn't bother me anymore. As long as they're safe. I did need to talk to someone in a stable relationship though.

Just as I was about to phone Mikey, my phone rings. It's him.

Gerard: Hey Mikes, what's up?

Mikey: Hey Gee, can you come and pick me and Pete up please? We're at Barnes and Noble in town, but Pete hurt their ankle pretty badly. They fell down the stairs again. I think they need to go to the ER as soon as possible.

Yes, of course Mikey. Are they okay? Do you guys need anything? I can stop by their place, explain what's happened to their Mom?

They've already texted their mom, she's on her way: she's meeting us at the Hospital. Just get here when you can. Pick up Frank if you want to. We need all the help we can get. They're an absolute baby when they're sick.

I'll be there in 15. Stay with them, and comfort them. Is there a bench outside that you can put them on? It'll be easier than Frank, you and I trying to carry them out of the shop.

Erm, yeah, I think so. Just get here as soon as possible.

I unlock the front door, and get into my car. I send Frank a quick text, asking him to come with me to the ER, and explaining the situation to him, and he agrees to come with us. I pick him up, 5 minutes later, and after ignoring all the speed limit signs, we arrive outside the Barnes and Noble. I feel sorry for Pete. They're obviously in a lot of pain. I feel sorry for them. MIkey lifts them up, and I open the backseat car door, ready to, once again, ignore any speed limit. Frank can see that I'm stressing - bless him - and holds my hand over the gearstick, earning an 'awwww' from the cripple in the backseat.

When we get to the ER, I park the car, letting Frank get out of the car to get a wheelchair for Pete. They're crying softly into Mikey's shoulder, whilst he soothes them. I hate to admit it, but Pete is probably the best thing that's ever happened to him.

Frank's back with the wheelchair. Thank god, Mikey and I lift Pete into the chair, trying not to knock their ankle, and start walking in. It's a long wait, and we're all worried about Pete. After what feels like an eternity, Pete and Mikey walk - well, Mikey walks, Pete stumbles out on crutches with a blue cast on their right foot - out of the swinging doors.

"Guess what guys? The dumbass I am in love with broke their ankle falling down the stairs in a bookshop." Mikey announces to Frank and I. He then receives a death glare from Pete, who's still pouting about their injury. Mikey kisses the top of their head regardless.

"Uhhh, thanks for doing this Gerard. It means a lot to me." Pete says to me as we get back to the car. Their mom didn't end up meeting us at the ER, she had to go to Chicago to sort out her divorce.

"No problem Pete. Do you need to crash at ours tonight? Considering that your mom is still in Chicago, and you're obviously in no fit condition to live on your own." I ask them, but they're still pretty high off painkillers. Instead, Mikey just nods at me, smiling.

When Mikey and Pete are safely inside, Frank pulls me outside, kissing me roughly. When we pull apart, he smiles at me.

"You were really great today, baby." He says smiling at me. He's so fucking cute I don't know how to deal around him.

"Th-Thanks, Frank," I reply, pressing my forehead against his, trying to get as much contact with him as I can, without having to accidentally grind against him. Grinding would be a lot more fun if I actually had a dick.

I pull him inside my house, and we sit down on the floor. Mikey and Pete had taken the sofa, and they were in their own little bubble. It gives me and Frank an excuse to talk a bit.

"Frank?" I ask him, sitting up straight to make eye contact

"Yaeh, Gerard?" He replies, mid yawn. We're all tired after today.

Here goes nothing. "What are we? Are we friends? Are we something more? Do you want to be something more? I'm not a very good boyfriend." The questions keep flowing out of me, But I'm cut off by Frank tackling me into a hug.

"Does that answer your question, babe?" He asks me, smiling.

It does.

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