Chapter 1

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You were inside of yours and Alissa's apartment when you felt a splash of water hit your feet and the hardwood flooring. At this moment, you also started to feel cramping. You started to freak out and started yelling loudly.
A: wassup babymama?
Alissa quickly ran downstairs with a baby bag and a baby's carseat.
A: woohoooo i'm gonna be a tia!!
Y/n: shut upp, help me get to the car
A: okay let me go put this stuff in the car
She walked out of the building and put everything into your black Mercedes Benz truck. She rushed back inside after doing so and helped you outside. Alissa then drove you to the hospital, making sure to call ahead and let them know to prepare your hospital room. Once you guys got to the hospital a nurse with a wheel chair came out and took you up to your room. You saw Jabez in the waiting room and immediately covered your face. He saw you and Alissa.
J: alissa! heyy
He stopped Alissa and you signaled the nurse to keep going and take you to your room. Alissa immediately freaked out and responded.
A: ohhh heyyy
J: was that y/n just now in the wheel chair?
A: uhh yeah
J: is she alright?
A: yeah, um she's fine. anyways, i should probably be in there. bye!!
She caught up with you and the nurse and they set you up in the room. (n1- nurse 1, n2- nurse 2)
N1: okay y/n, i am just going to check how dialated you are. do you know how far along you are?
Y/n: uhh yes i'm 39 weeks...
N1: okay perfect.
The nurse examined you and determined that you were only 6 hours dialated. Alissa called your parents and they started on their way to the hospital. You guys were waiting for hours and you screamed in pain. You were doing a natural birth, which meant you chose not to get the epidural.
Alissa nudged you.
A: hey watch your mouth..
N1: haha it's completely fine, she's in a lot of pain right now. good thing though, she's 9 cm dialated. the baby should be coming shortly.
You started to cry and Alissa held your hand.
A: whats wrong y/n?
Y/n: i saw jabez :( i should've told him, this feels wrong..
A: it's okay mama, you're about to have a baby! focus on that.
Y/n: his baby....
A: Y/n!! we said we weren't going to do this
Y/n: i know.. i know
You hit 10 cm dialated and the doctor came in. You looked at him nervously and then at Alissa.
Y/n: are my parents here yet??
A: no honey, they're on their way though. it's a long drive.
Y/n: okay...
You were advised to start pushing and you were screaming and squeezing Alissa hand extremely hard. Then, you heard the sound of a baby crying.
DR- congratulations y/n! it's a beautiful baby girl!!
The doctor handed you your baby girl and you started down and kissed her forehead.
A: ahhhh! give mee!!!
You laughed and handed Alissa your daughter, wiping your tears and smiling big. Your parents got inside the room not too long after.
Y/n: ama, apa, meet Yazelli Villalobos.
Y/m: oh my godd!! she's beautiful just like her grandma.

The next day.
You breastfed Yazelli and she latched on like a champ. You posted this photo on Instagram:

 You posted this photo on Instagram:

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