chapter one

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I lay on my bed, wide awake, listening to the gentle sway of leaves which is caused by the wind. I could also hear the birds singing and enjoying the weather. I closed my eyes trying to recount the activities of today.." this wouldn't work" I say to myself.
Why does things have to go haywire just when I was beginning to let people in, sitting up and looking out of my window..all I could see was the way life moves on with or without me.I check my clock and it's fucking 3am, sighing and falling back to my bed, taking the covers with me, I closed my eyes thinking of the only thing that wouldn't betray me.
   Money, money, money,... Fucking money might be wondering who this sad girl is.
Well, my name is Slyvia Dinero..yep, that's my name, which was supposed to change to Slyvia

Again, you're wondering why I used the word "supposed", that is because I walked in on the man who was supposed to be my "fiance" making out with his slut of a secretary right there on his desk in his office. I'm so done crying over that son of a bachelor, who the hell does he think he is?
  Yet again, I feel the pangs of tears threatening to spill, why won't this goddamn water works just stop?. Honestly, I feel numb, tired, betrayed.
I mean I thought we had something that was true, I thought he was the one.
I fought this, I fought him, I told him I didn't do commitments but he made me start believing he could be an exception. We've been dating for six months before he proposed two weeks ago. Humans are the hardest to understand, really.
I thought I was done with fuckboys.
Adrain Ross is what I'll call every woman's dream, he's young, he's intelligent, rich, outgoing, confident and a fucking CEO of a multinational company..but these things didn't draw me to him, I was attracted to him because he was caring, he was always putting me first and most importantly didn't allow his business get in the way of our relationship.

   My eyelids were closing, my brain was shutting down but the fact that I was betrayed lays fresh in mind, a cut that might take a while before healing.

I allow darkness envelope me and I fall into a deep slumber.

I was jolted awake by the sound of my alarm at 6am, immediately I stepped foot on the floor of my room, a feeling of nausea hit me causing me to run to the bathroom, trying to empty my already empty stomach.
What a spiffing idea,I thought to myself.
Standing up and stepping away from the closet, I rinse my mouth and face.
Now, don't start getting any wierd thoughts, it's not a nine months course, I throw up most times when I eat too much chocolate, but that was yesterday afternoon, I was still a happy and sane young lady enjoying her liberty before she gets tied to the marriage, how things change pretty quick.

Exiting the bathroom, I go to my closet to pick my outfit for today, I wasn't feeling really good so I just go for a simple dark green gown which had a sweetheart neckline and stops just above my knees.
I hope the world gets my message and imitates my mood. Just kidding though
   I have to be at work by 9am, so I still have a lot of time but I can't go back to sleep and I can't stay in this house..I don't wanna get depressed.
  After thirty minutes of wallowing in self pity and bathing at the same time, I had the courage of stepping out because guess what, time is money.
  Dressing up and putting on minimal make up, I stand in front of my full length mirror seeing a shadow of myself.
  "Slyvia, really? Are you gonna allow  that dick who doesn't know your worth bring you down? , You're the most beautiful woman who walks on planet Earth, so raise your head up high  and show that bastard he's got nothing on you. Behave like the queen that you are..yes baby, 'a fucking queen' smile, you got this".
After giving myself a little peptalk , I guess it was time I faced reality.
I step out of my apartment, locking the doors and turning around..I walk down the hallway to the elevator, pressing the button to the ground floor, the elevator's door was almost closed when I saw an archangel rushing towards the elevator looking frantic and in a hurry. He made it to the elevator in time. Immediately he enters the elevator, I knew I was in for it..he was beautiful, looking elegant and all.  I mean duh..being heartbroken doesn't mean I still can't appreciate God's masterpiece.

Ohmigod, he was sinfully attractive..I was practically drooling over him and I guess he noticed because he cleared his throat and I was embarrassed. He made to press the button to the ground floor the same time I did and I felt his fingertips brush mine, a feeling of giddiness run through me as I jolt away from him and he just smiles and press the button Instead. I know he knows what he was doing to me but he's probably used to getting this kind  of reaction out of ladies.. I rushed out of the elevator immediately we got to the ground floor and I could feel his eyes on me. I ran to my car and drove off to work.
Now , I'm sure my emotions are in a mess,
Damn Adrain for causing this.

  I stopped when the traffic light hits red and almost immediately, a dark SUV pulls up next to me revealing the the mysteriously handsome stranger, he was tapping his steering wheel while mumbling the lyrics of a song coming out of the car's stereo, he was the perfect picture of someone who's happy and content and it was contagious, I smiled to myself. As if on cue he turns to look  sideways and his blue-coloured pupils met my emerald ones. I quickly diverted my gaze and face the road just when the traffic light hits green.

  I speed up and make a right turn to the street where my shop was located, I saw Mr Rio waving at me from afar and immediately,  my mood lightens up, I roll down the window close to his shop, leaning forward so I can see him properly.
He was all smiles and I wondered if this man as a damn problem in his life because this is always his countenance.. happy.
"Good morning, Mr Rio, how is it going and how is that back of yours doing?" I asked him

"Oh, my beautiful Slyvia, you care so much about this ageing man who barely can walk for 10minutes without sitting down" he muses. " My back is doing so much better, I just need to trim this little darlings, I don't any asshole talking trash at me".
  I let out a hearty laugh and almost hit my head on the steering wheel, that's just the Mr Rio I know.
"Okay then Mr Rio, I better get going, have nice day and don't over work yourself" I throw him a kiss and drove off again enjoying the silence in my car.
Well, Mr Rio is a florist, he has been selling flowers ever since I was a kid and he was one of the few friends I earned myself.

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