chapter two

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I pull up in front of my shop which has a bold heading in front which says " Dinero's place". Yep, it's a family business and I was left to take care of it after my family died in a plane crash few days after my graduation from college.
I walk in and see the normal hustle and bustle of the place, I pass by one of my waiters named christiana.
"Good morning ma" she greeted while smiling at me.
"Good morning Chris, I freaking love that skirt on you, mind if I steal it?" I joked.
She blushed and said thank you while hurrying to wait a table.
I moved to the far end of the room, opened the door to the kitchen and was immediately welcomed by the sweet smell of ginger bread and the man behind the making was no other than my best chef, Alvero. Alvero is older than me but he insists I do not call him Mr. Brown.
He claims it sounds old.
I stepped in and he looks up, walks over to me and engulf me in his fatherly hugs, I smiled as he steps away to stand in front of him.
"What's the matter, Slyvia". Alvero asks looking concerned.
" It's nothing, Alv. I just didn't a good rest " I lie.
" Hey girl, don't give me that, I know when something is bothering you" he says in a Stern voice.
Damn this old man.
"Okay, fine, but I don't wanna talk about it just yet" I said while rolling my eyes
" Ha..I knew it, your smile isn't reaching your eyes. It's okay baby, whenever you feel like talking, I'll be right here" he said to me, he walks over and hugs me again, immediately he does that, I start feeling my defenses break.

"Don't break down in the middle of work Slyvia" I mentally Scold myself. I stole one ginger bread from Alvero's plate before breaking the hug.

I hurriedly stepped away and made for the door.
" I'll get to you for that, girl" he yelled behind me.
"Catch me if you can, Alv" I yelled back smiling and nibbling on my ginger bread.
I retreat back to my office, walk over to my desk , sit on my super comfy chair and open my laptop.

I scroll through my schedule for today and sigh. I have a meeting scheduled for 12pm in one 'Tiara group of companies', funny name . The time is still 10am, so I'm just gonna complete the uncompleted works on my laptop for the next 1hour 30minutes.
I am barely into work when I hear a knock on my door , the door is locked so I stand up to answer the door but I am stopped in my track by the voice I hear. As if on cue, the water works started.
" Slyvia baby, it's me, can I come in?"
It's Adrain.


I stand in my office, frozen. I don't know what to do or say, the wound in my heart bleeds afresh, and the object of my misery stands just outside the door.

"I'm sorry baby, I know you're hurt and I know you might never want to talk to me but I can explain, whatever it is you saw in the office isn't what you think it is, just give me a chance to explain amor". I hear the exasperation in his voice but this only infuriates me, how could he do this to me.

" Adrain.." I say trying to calm myself down.
" All I ever I did was love you unconditionally, all I ever did was entrust you with my heart and you think having sex with your secretary right there in your office is all you can repay me with?" I blurt out.
"I'm so done with you, Adrain. Please leave".
I turn to walk back to my desk but his voice stops me once again.

"I swear, it's not what you think, I've always been faithful to you, I've always been committed to what we share , all that..."
"Just hold it right there you manwhore..did you just say 'we'?, I beg your pardon Adrain, where did you throw what we share when you were fucking your slut on your desk?, Where did you throw what we share when the thought of cheating on me came to your mind, you digust me Adrain,
Please leave at once else, I'm calling security". I say while reaching for the telephone.
His voice stops me again.
"Okay I'll leave but I'll be back, I'm not losing you to no man sylv, no man".

With that, I hear his receding footsteps down the hall, I fall to the floor and cried my eyes out once more. I sit on the door for about ten minutes drowning in my misery, I'm sure my eyes will be bloodshot by
All I ever did was love Adrain,but if this is his way of expressing his so called love, then so be it.

I picked myself up, walk to the toilet to rinse my face ridding it of tears that might have dried up. I walk to my desk, shut down my laptop and place it in my bag. I'm done for today. I pick up the intercom and speak.

"Liam, I need you in my office now!!"
"Yes ma'am".
Almost immediately, Liam taps on the door twice and twists the door knob in an attempt to open it. Oh, I forgot I locked the door.

"You have the key Liam, open the door"
I can hear him shuffling the keys and trying to find the right one, after a moment the door finally opens.

"I'm here ma'am"
"I can see you're here, Liam" I say stressing his name. His face flushes with embarrassment and I actually find this amusing.
"Have a seat please". He does as I say.
"Liam, I need you to buy me a plane ticket to California, it's high time I had that holiday I've been planning since forever"

Yes baby, you heard right, California.

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