Chapter 23

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Morning came as bright and full of life as always. The suns rays gave the room a soft glow as it rose slowly.

He sat fully dressed in the chair near the bed and watched Brienna sleep. He did not want to wake her, she looked so beautiful in her sleep.

The way she slept was odd to him, She did not move at all in her sleep that he had to focus on her to see if she still breathed.

She lay to her side facing him, her massive head of hair lay in array of tresses over her pillow.

Naan will fuss with later, he smiled to himself.

He sat back and observed the sleeping girl that was his wife. A slight wave of guilt washed over him remembering how it all came to this.  He closed his eyes and buried his face in his hands reliving last nights event in his head. From the moment he dismounted his horse and walked in to see her squaring off with those two men. He watched how she briefly defended herself but, his rage took the best of him when he saw them grab her. Their heated argument before he took her practically by force. He sensed her struggle until she gave in willingly.

A slight stir  and gasp brought him back to the present and quickly he looked up.

He watched her slowly sit up and  pull her sheet to her breasts.  She grimaced at the pain between her thighs as she moved and it made him feel worse.

"I will have a warm bath brought up for you," he spoke softly.

She nodded as he quickly stood and left.

She waited for him to leave, wrapping the sheet around her she stood from the bed.

She caught the sight of blood on the sheets and right away she froze. She felt  an overwhelming sensation and a lump formed in her throat making it difficult for her to swallow.

The stamp of her lost virginity stared back at her with speckles of vibrant red smeared on the sheets. She let out a shaky breath realizing what this all meant.

The soft thud of the door made her look up and she watched Gavin's eyes slowly rise from the blood stain on the bed to meet hers.

He did not know what to say to her.

There were no words to explain what she was looking at. He wasn't sure if she knew or if  Naan explained it to her before their wedding night.

You never gave them enough time you idiot.

He didn't know whether to leave her or console her. Knowing the latter would not be a good idea because the way she looked at him now, she could very well snake her dagger into his back for what he did. The thought made him shiver.

And you would deserve every inch it.

Before he could say anything, the brief knock at the door stopped him.

"Enter," he ordered with an oath under his breath.

The chambermaids entered with a quick curtsy and began working fast removing the water from the night before and filling the tub with steaming hot water.

One of the servants walked over to the bed, before she could reach it  Gavin spoke quickly.

"You can leave that for later, my wife would like to take her bath," he gave the order.

Brienna averted her gaze and turned away as she heard the maid agree and leave.

When she heard the click of the door she stayed with her back turned to him. Alone, now there was nothing but silence between them.

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