♡𝕡𝕝𝕒𝕪: 𝟛.𝟡: 𝕚 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦

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His body moves on autopilot at the mentions of a car accident and hospital paired with her name. He haphazardly grabs his wallet and keys off the dining table. He stuffs his feet into the pair of white sneakers he tore off last night, his disgruntle state is thankful for last night's lack of motivation to put them back on the shelf. He scrambles out of his apartment and races down the hall to the elevators where he manically presses the 'down' button. The call button illuminates, indicating the request has been received as the elevator makes its way up. Once the elevator doors separate he jumps into the opened cab, jolting the elevator slightly before he smashes the main entry floor button marked with a big silver capital 'B' next to it. The hall lanterns flash with an audible signal sounding twice to indicate that the doorways are closing. The numbers displaying at the top of the doors decrease with each passing as the elevator slowly glides down the numerous hallways. His leg bounces up and down at a frantic pace as he taps his fingers on the side of his thigh. His eyes fixate on the numbers above him, hoping that it continues to descend without a pause. By the time the main floor comes in view, his body swiftly moves to stand in front of the steel gates. With a final chime his body nudges through the small opening before the gates could fully part open.

He bolts to his car parked two rows away from the elevator platform. The keys rattle in his trembling hands as he tries to jam it into the keyhole, but the incessant tremors restrain his ability to steady the keys enough to lock it in place. He whips the keys to the side after his numerous attempts to slide it in the ignition, the keys clatter to the rubber floor mat on the passenger side. His hands slam down on the steering wheel with a shout of frustration. He sighs into the leather of the wheel before repeatedly rubbing his face with a groan. He cards his fingers through his hair as he regains his composure with a final exhale. He leans over the middle glove compartment to pick up the discarded keys, successfully inserting it into the ignition.

 He leans over the middle glove compartment to pick up the discarded keys, successfully inserting it into the ignition

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He barges through the white doors to her room, desperately scanning for any sight of her. Twelve pairs of eyes turn towards him, raising their eyebrows at his dishevelled look. His gelled back hair loosens from sprinting through the parking garage and the hospital to locate her room. The hem of his top untucks unevenly from the tops of his jeans and his left heel flattens over the heel counter of his shoe.

"Hyung!" Jungkook greets his older friend who was fighting for breath. He skips to stand in front of him, looking him over with quizzical eyes. "Hyung, are you okay?"

Seokjin doesn't meet his eyes instead they solely train on the slender blonde sitting up from the bed, staring at him with round-eyes and a sheepish smile. He pushes past Jungkook and strides over to her.

"Sorry Jin, I-" her words get cut off from his arms engulfing her into a tight embrace. The other's eyes grow wide at the scene that unfolds in front of them before Namjoon ushers everyone out the room. Her shoulders stiffen at the sudden intimacy he gives her, but the tension in her shoulders subside when she feels his body vibrating against hers. The vice-like grip he has on her waist forms a dulling ache she knows will leave a bruise, but the heat radiating off his skin glazed with a layer of sweat stings her heart. She gently pats his back as he huffs and puffs against her neck while she basks in his sickeningly sweet scent.

"I'm sorry Yongsun," he muffles out with his head nuzzling further into her neck, inhaling every last bit of her smell.

She softly chuckles at his action, "Why're you sorry? I'm the one who decided to fly back to Korea and got into a car accident."

His arms tighten around her at the mention of the car accident, fear creeps up on him at the possibility of losing her. She wears a tender smile as she squeezes him back, knowing the same fear of possibly never being able to see him again. They continuously hold each other, exchanging only silence, but it was enough to let them both know how they truly felt.

He pulls away first, avoiding her eyes as he gently rubs circles into her shoulders. His brooding expression gives him away when she lifts her hand to curve against the side of his face. He leans into her touch, basking in her intoxicating smell of chamomile mixed with a subtle hint of mint, it reminds him of early summer with a soft breeze. He wishes to bathe in her scent forever, which prompts him to say something he won't regret.

"If you still need someone to fill in for the second lead, I'll be glad to help." He says the words so confidently that it contrasts with the way he chews on his lip nervously, cheeks dusted with a faint shade of pink.

His ears beam a hot-pepper red, and she fills with excitement, "wow, that was a lot easier than I thought. Maybe I should get into car accidents more often," she teases.

"Absolutely not. Don't make jokes like that," he utters, watching his fingers lace through hers.

"I really thought I had to pick more of a fight with you to convince you to come with me," she rubs her thumb soothingly on top of his, "but I'm happy I didn't have to, I'm really exhausted," her giggle comes out breathy. She lays back down, sinking into the mattress with eyes shut, hands still clasped together as she shortly falls into a slumber.

He watches her closely, imprinting every feature, to the curve of her lips, the shallow slope of her nose, and the way her delicate eyelashes gently rest atop her skin, into his memory. He brushes a few strands away from her face, leaving a small peck on her forehead.

authors note:

ooof updates have been really slow... but i have a good excuse,, I started working on a new wheetae story and it is something 😈

I really wasn't expecting this story to go on for this long, but there are still a few more chapters left until the end! 

P.S. Did you guys notice the cover change for this story hehe

Whispers of the Heart [kim yongsun x kim seokjin]Where stories live. Discover now