The beginning

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Jerome's POV
"Mitch! Mitch! Guess what?" I run to Mitch to share my news.
"What's up G?" He replies with a grin, his eyes sparkling and I get lost in them for a moment. "Jerome? You okay" he waves his hand in front of my face, and I snap out of it.
"Yeah. Sorry Biggums... I didn't get much sleep last night. But guess what?! Oh wait... I already said that. We get to go on a trip!"
Mitch grins "where are we going? Who's going?" He says excitedly, and I can't help but grin at his excitement. It's too cute. Yes... I like Mitch. But does he know? No. I don't want to ruin our friendship... so I'm out of luck. "It's a surprise. And Adam, Ashley, and Ian are gonna join us" I say the last part a little quieter, I wished it could be just Mitch and I. I will get him alone at some point. Adam is the only one who knows I'm gay, and he knows I like Mitch.

Mitch's POV
I smile when Jerome runs over, looking up from my text to Ashley. "I love you too. I gotta go. Jerome. Bye" I quickly text back then look up at him "what's up G?" He kinda zones out. "Jerome? You okay?" I wave my hand in front of his face and feel my pocket buzz. I know Ashley gets jealous over the time I spend with Jerome, but nobody knows I'm dating her. So I can't mention it. He shares his news and I'm paying half attention. "Hey Jerome, wanna go back to my place to record? I've got an extra computer in my room you can use. He grins, and I smile at that.
"Of course biggums. Why do you think I'm visiting?" He winks then hops into his car, and I slide into the passengers seat.

Jerome's POV
I hop into my car, smiling, knowing Mitch will soon follow. "How've you been lately? I haven't seen you in a while. Unless you count Skype..." I shrug and smile
"Pretty good. Hey G... Can I tell you something if you promise not to tell?" He says and I detect how nervous he is.
"'F course Biggums. What's wrong? I glance over to see his face slightly pale "Mitch. Are you okay?" I say hesitantly.
"Oh yeah. Sorry Jerome. It's just... I'm..."
I watch him. Is he gonna say what I think he is? I have so many thoughts flashing through my mind.
"I'm dating Ashley" he says quietly, and I can feel my face drop.
"Oh. C-congratulations Mitch. I guess the viewers 'Mashley' dream is coming true" I force a smile, hoping he didn't hear my voice crack.
"I'm glad you're okay with it Jerome" he smiles and the rest of the car ride is silent.

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