Ashley's Plan

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Jerome's POV
"I think..." Mitch whispers. "Jerome, I think I love you"
I stare at him, then kiss him gently. "Mitchell Hughes. I know I love you. So much... You're my benja. MY bajancanadian. Forever" I hug him, and he hugs me back.
"Forever" He whispers and buries his face in my shoulder "as long as I'm alive"
I run my hands through his hair and he starts to cry, breaking down.
"Jerome, what's wrong?" I say, concern filling my eyes.
"Mitch. You're not supposed to see me like this" He whispers through sobs and curls up on the couch.

Mitch's POV
I get down on the ground, kneeling next to the couch. "What's wrong Jerome?" He curls up into a ball, half sobbing. "I-I just... I. I can't tell you Mitch." He eventually calms down and I pull him into my arms "it's okay Jerome. It's okay" I whisper, rubbing his back. He leans up and kisses me, and I push him onto the couch. We kiss passionately, and I run my tongue on his lower lip asking for entrance, which is granted. I've always been the dominant one of my relationships. I kiss him roughly, for what seems like hours, until I need to take a breath. I look up, and tense up at what I see. Ashley is standing in the doorway...

Ashley's POV
I walked into the boys make out session a little bit ago, but decided not to intrude. When they come out of it, I smile. "Merry Christmas Mitch, and Jerome!" I say in a cheerful tone.
"M-Merry Christmas Ashley" Mitch whispers and gets up off Jerome. "How long were you standing there?" Jerome asks
"Long enough. Well I brought gifts!" I smile and hold up two bags, then sit down on the couch and turn on the news.
"Major snowstorm heading east, make sure to stay indoors!" The weather lady says and Mitch sighs. "Looks like you're staying the night Ashley..." I try to hide my smirk and nod, my plan worked. "I guess so... Sorry boys" I frown "well here, presents!" I hand out the bags.

Jerome's POV
Ashley just barges in and makes my house feel like her own. Great. Have I ever told you how much I hate her? And now she's stuck with us. I'll have to give her the old guest room. But at least she brought gifts... She hands them out and I open mine. Inside is a new recording mic, the one thing I wanted and didn't get. Next, Mitch opens his, and I look at it. It's a small leather necklace, with a weird clasp at the end.
"Here, lemme help put it on" Ashley rushes over and puts the necklace on Mitch, then whispers something in his ear that I can't hear. All I know is Mitch was pale after.

Mitch's POV
Ashley runs over to put on my necklace. It looks a bit weird, like a collar. If it can get anymore freaky, Ashley whispers in my ear "you're mine now Mitch" then pulls back smiling like she didn't do anything wrong. I shudder at her words and scoot closer into Jerome's arms.
"What's wrong biggums?" He whispers and messes with the necklace on my neck. "n-nothing." I curl up with him, Ashley walks to the door

Sorry the chapters have been so short, and I haven't updated in a while. I have total writers block right now... Ciao! Hannah

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