Chapter 5

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Naina's POV

I was made to sit beside the groom in the mandap. My eyes were just searching for him.. that handsome man. What is his name? I want him to see me in this attire. Naina yaar just stop thinking about him . Rahul asked me something but I couldn't hear him as the priest was chanting the mantras so I just nodded. Soon the marriage was done and all the guest left. Only both our families were present.

It was time for me to leave my family and go with them. Rahul removed his sehra and it wasn't Rahul it was that handsome man.

"What are you doing in place of Rahul?" I asked him being shocked.

"What are you talking about? You knew it was me in place of the groom as he ran away from the marriage" He said sounding shocked.

"What are you talking? I don't know anything about you sitting in place of Rahul."

" Your parents said you knew about him running away and you were having no problem in getting married to me"

I looked towards my parents and they were avoiding to look into my eyes. I felt betrayed. My opinion never matter first for business and now for reputation. They were trying to explain why they did but I was not interested in it.

We left my house and sat in the car to go to their place. A tear left from my eyes I quickly wiped it. I was really disappointed with all the happening but at the same time I felt extremely happy with the fact that I got married to him but I don't know his name.

"What is your name?" I asked him

"Really you don't remember my name" he said with disappointment.

" No that day when you introduced yourself to me I was lost in my own world" I said to him.

"Rajveer Malhotra" he said forwarding his hand. He was taking his hand back but I shaked hand with him.

We reached their home which became mine now. We entered inside after all the rituals were done. Ruhi was really excited and happy. She pulled me and took me to Rajveer's room and made me sit on the bed. The room was beautifully decorated wit flowers and candles. I sat there thinking about all the events that took place in my life.

Rajveer's POV

I was extremely disappointed with Naina. She doesn't even remember my name. Really here I am madly in love with him and she doesn't even care about me.

I was about to enter my room but Ruhi stopped me. "Bhai before going inside you have to give me gift" she said.

I asked her that what she wanted from me. "I want you to take me for shopping and get me all the things that I want" she said with a naughty smile on her face. I agreed with her demands and she went from there.

I entered the room and saw Naina sitting on the bed. I asked her to go and change. She took her sleepwear and went into the washroom. Even I changed my clothes. Naina came out of the washroom and was coming towards me. She was about to fall as her leg slipped. I went near her to catch her but I lost my balance and we both fell down on the bed.

The something happened that left my mind blank. She was on top of me. She closed her eyes and she looked scared. Our lip touched and she opened her eyes. The contact of our lips sent some different kind of spark in my entire body. She tried to get up breaking the spark but she fell again on me and again our lips touched. Oh my god! Today is my lucky day I guess.

We both got up and said sorry to each other. She was blushing as her checks turned pink and I liked that she was blushing because of me.

"You can sleep on the bed. I will sleep on the couch." I said to her.

"No we both can sleep on the bed. The bed is big enough." she said and I was extremely happy so I just nodded my head

We slept on the bed but we both were on the extreme ends. I really wanted to take her in my arms and sleep but I didn't want to scare her. After few minutes she slept and I kept on looking at her face. She was looking so cute that I felt to kiss her but I stopped myself. I carefully took her in my arms without breaking her sleep. She felt really nice in my arms. I slept with a really bright smile on my face. 

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