Chapter 29

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Naina's POV

We reached the restaurant and went inside. We were waiting for Ro and it has been really long. When will he come?

"When will this dumbo come? I am so hungry yaar." Sachi said dramatically.

"You know him, he never comes on time so let's wait for him." I said.

"but I am hungry yaar" she said making a cute pout. Nothing changed she is still a kid.

Soon Ro came and hugged both of us. His face was reflecting immense happiness.

"Hi! Cutie. I missed you so much." He said to Sachi.

"Even I missed you dumbo." She said to him with a naughty smile.

"How many times have I told you not to call me that? If any of my fan will hear that my reputation will go in vain." He said with a worried look.

"Yeah I know now you are a model but for me you are the same dumbo." She said teasing him.

"Forget it you will never listen to me." He said.

"Cutie why do you have bridal mehendi on your hand. Did you get married?" he asked her. She narrated all the things that happened in her life. We both were shock and Ro was fuming in anger. He has always been over protective for her. I calmed him down with lots of difficulty. I should have been with so she would have not suffered so much.

"No need to worry I am perfectly fine now and extremely happy." She said with a smile but her smile was hiding some kind of pain.

"You both are so stupid. From so long I was telling you both to talk with each other but you both didn't paid attention to my words. I suffered the most in your fight." He said and made a fake angry face.

"You are a really bad actor Ro." Sachi said pulling his cheek. Before they start their fight again, I stopped them.

"Let's order something." I said gaining their attention

We were about to call the waiter when we saw Araav and Rajveer entering the restaurant. Before I could react, Ro waved at Rajveer and called his name. They came near us.

"Nice meeting you again. Come join us" Ro said but his tone was a bit different kind of teasing or was it just me.

"Same here." Rajveer said in a bit rude tone. He introduced Araav and Ro and sat beside me. We ordered and again started talking.

Rajveer POV

"Araav drive fast we need to reach there quickly." I said loudly.

"Rajveer am driving stop screaming." He said in frustration.

This traffic is making me crazy. We have to reach there soon. I don't want her to be with that Ro.

I came out of my thoughts with the sudden jerk of the car. We reached and I quickly got out of the car. I rushed inside the restaurant and saw the three of them talking with each other.

Rohit waved at me. We went near them and he greeted me. I introduced Araav and him. I sat beside Naina. She was sitting between him and me. She could have sat beside Sachi. Why did she sit beside him? I just want to take her away and never let her meet him.

Rohit said something in her ear and she started blushing.

Really. Is she blushing? Why is she blushing? What the hell did he say? Why am I feeling so restless all of the sudden? 


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