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Well, now if  we closely observe, blockchains are more reliable in all aspects of life such as banks, small contracts, insurance companies,overseas-trading and so on. But apart from all these the most popular use of blockchain is CRYPTOCURRENCY. It is a digital form of an asset which can be exchanged using strong cryptography to secure these transactions. They are the virtual currencies of the 21st century. Some of the most well-known cryptocurrencies are Bitcoin, Monero, Ethereum, Ripple etc. I won’t drag about that topic now.

Moving on, we all know that, the most beautiful things come with an expensive price tag. This is also applicable to the blockchain, except that it isn’t beautiful and it isn’t from nature. As long as there are blockchains and cryptocurrencies and as long as it remains neglected by governments, people rule the world with it. Consider this an irony, man built this technology and now this technology rules man.

I have tried my best to convince you people on how I understood this tech. Believe it or not. this world is changing at a fast pace and it isn’t what it actually looks to us in terms of technology. The above sentence I just said about man building tech and it controlling us. Well, just for change replace the tech word with Robots or AI. Or has it already happened? Just think about it….

Until then Hasta La Vista…

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