CH 3 Party time

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Alice's POV

After endless hours of shopping with the girls. Which in reality were only 2 hours. I was finally on my way back home. Just as I parked my car in our dirive way.I noticed a balck BMW alraedy parked there I wondered who it was then it hit me UNCLE SIMON was here. I practically ran out the car and into the living room and there I saw him sitting on the couch laughing at something when he noticed me.He stood up opening his arms I instantly ran into them and enveloped him in a bone crushing hug.

"UNCLE SI!!!!!" I said to him sounding like a kid on christmas.

"Princess!!Oh god I missed you" He said hugging me back more tightly.

"I missed you too" I said while sitting right next to him on the couch.

"So how are you?" He asked me.

Athat we talked about anything and everything.This is what I loved about my family I could talk to them about anything and everything and the help me through it.(FICTIONAL FAMILY I WISH I HAD ONE LIKE IT)

After sometime of talking with uncle Simon he had to go for a meeting. Just then the girls arrived and we had to get ready for the party.(SIGN)


After getting ready the girls and I arrived the club where the party was being held .We parked our car and walked up to the enterance of the club.It was a good thing that Mia was holding the party at a club cause I was soo ready to get wasted.

You could say that the girls had transformed me cause even I was happy with how  I looked and the girls kept saying that I looked "HOT AND SEXY" . I was wearing a black dress which was tight and the top and was flowy at the bottom. It reached till my kness. The top was adorned with dimondlets. The dress was simply beautiful I was wearing silver high heals with it and a chucky silver heart shape necklace.My hair was straightened to perfection.

The girls looked Hot. We all were wearing matching dresses Lily was wearing a white one,Rose was wearing a red one and Sophie was wearing a pink one.

We entered the club and immediatly was greeted by the smell of alcohol.This was like all parties people grinding against each other, some were making out and some were wasted.

We meet up with the guys and headed to the bar. We ordered some drinks I quicly drowned a few shots of tequilla. The burning sensation going down my throat.Me and sophie headed to the dance floor leaving the others behind. We danced for a few minutes until I came back to the bar and orderd a beer and took a few swings of it feeling dizzy and extremely giddy inside.

I headed back to the dance floor seeing Sophie dancing with some blonde guy.I laughed at that cause Sophie loved messing with people.

Suddenly there was someone who took a hold of my wrist.I didn't even have time to turn around I was being draged through some halls where the lighting was dim might I add."Snap out of it Alice your being dragged by someone to god knows where".my consions told me.

"WHO ARE YOU AND LET ME GO!" I said finally composing myself a bit.

Just then the person turned around and I started to wish to have not asked that question.Cause never in a million years did I want to see him again.

How did he. How is this even possible I asked myself.OH GOD HELP ME!!!!!

so what do you think huh!! 


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