CH 4 he's back

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hi guys sorry for the long wait!!!


  I tried to run but my feet were frozen to the ground by fear.I was beyond shocked.I tried to talk but a lump formed in my throat making it hard for me to even breathe.

'HOW??" Was the only thing that came out of my mouth.

He just smirked in return and said

"Oh!! my sweet innocent Alice did you really think that I would stay behind the bars for ever and you would live your life happily ever after"

I looked around fractically for anyone to help me or save me but to my avail there was no oneelse except me and him.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and told myself that I had to help myself now.I looked at him straight in his eyes and said

"Why are you here??" 

But he noticed my nerviousness and smirked.

"Simple!! To get you" He said while careceassing my cheek.

"Oh!!! you don't know how long I have been planning to do this and what I have in plan for us" 

That just made me even more sick.

Just then I saw him leaning in I tried to move away but he put his hand on both sids of my head and bent next to my ear and wispered in a dangeriously low voice.

"Nobody can help you escape from me now"

I did the only thing I could right now I screamed as loud as I could but was silenced by a slap to my face.

I caught a hold of my now throbbibing cheek.That's gonna leave a bruise later.

He forced me to look up by forcefully grabing my chin and making me look into his dark eyes.

He then kissed me forcefully.I tried pushing him away but I was too weak due to all the alchol in my system.He took a hold of my hands and pinned them on top of my head.

I felt sick and the world around me was spinning so hard.Just as he entered his tounge into my mouth I bit on it hard.

"Ow!! You piece of shit" he screamed.

I yet again took it as my chance and screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Somebody,Anybody help me pleaseee!!!"

I was yet again silenced by a punch in the stomach I feel on the ground clutching my stomach.

"This will teach you not t......" 

He didn't even get to finish his sentence before his weight was lifted off of me.

I looked to my side and saw some hooded figure beating him up and that is when I fainted.


I was at a bar which was a block down our hotel.We had come to London for some band stuff.

I had come to the bar to have a break.Don't get me wrong I love my job but sometimes you just need a break sometime.

I had a drink but was soon interupted by some girls who recognized me somehow.

I walked into some hall in the back trying to run away from them.Just as I was about to walk into a hall I heard some whimperes and a scream for help.

I went into the hall and saw a girl laying on the floor holding her stomach and a guy saying something. He was about to punch her.I don't know what came over me I just lunged at him.

I threw punch after punch at him until he was unconciouss.

I turned towards the girl who had fainted.

I picked her up and carried her outside.I noticed that she was cold so I took of my jacket and put it around her.

"HEEY!!! where are you taking my friend.

" I turned around to a girl with black hair running towards me with a guy hot on her tail.

When she came closer she gasped.

"What did you do to her??" 

She looked at me furiously.I looked at her with wide eyes.

"NOOOO!You got it all wrong she was screaming for help and some guy was abusing her so I helped her"

"Ohh!! thank you soo much" she said greatfully.

"Noo problem I was glad to help"

The guy took her from my arms and I don't know why my arms yearned to hold her again but I brushed it off.

"Than you again and  BYE" 

Before she entered the car and they drove offf.

Well no point in staying here so might as well go home.


I woke up to sunlight streaming through the window.My head was throbbing with pain.I sat up and looked around the room.

Then everything came crashing to me like a ton of bricks.

My mum came inside and so did my dad they both had worried looks on there faces.

"Sweetie are you alright??" My mum asked me. but I could not form words.

"Darling!!!" this time asked me.


Was the only thing that came out of my mouth.I kept staring at the wall.When my dad asked me again

"Who's back sweetie"

Ikept my gaze fixed on the wall and replied


so how is it who do you think Ashton is!!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2015 ⏰

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