Chapter 10 Meeting The Family. . . Well What's Left Of It

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Kayla's POV

Every second I grew fear in the pit of my stomach. How will they act? Will we tell them the whole story? Are we going to compel them? So many questions were firing off into my head, that I didn't even notice we were at my place. Fear struck me even more now.

"Don't worry. Things will be fine." my father assured me. I looked to him, and he gave me a nod. I nodded back, and got out of the car. My face showed no emotion. Emma, Jacob, and Nora walked out of the house in a monotonously. I froze, but Bella and my dad got out of the car. Riley walked out with a grin. I kept my serene expression on.

"Well, well, well look at what we have here." Riley said with a smirk. I glared daggers at him, and he only chuckled at me. Then he walked behind Emma. I took a step closer, but he stopped me.

"Take another step closer, and she's dead." he threatened, making me very mad. Dad looked at me cautiously. I gave him a nod telling him that I was fine. He looked back to Riley, and so did I.

I saw my dad put his hands behind his back with his phone, and acted like it was nothing. Riley looked me over, making me want to shudder. I surprisingly held it in.

Then everything started moving in a blur. Riley went down, and I heard other screams all around the house. It was really frightening, but the one that stood out the most was Bella's scream. I turned towards the direction of the woods. It's a good thing that I knew the woods like the back of my hand, or I wouldn't have made it to her on time.

What I saw made me freeze. Bella's sweat-shirt was ripped off, and Derek hovered above her. It made me mad, and I did the thing that I never thought I would do. I charged at Derek, and pushed him off of my best friend who is like a sister to me.

He looked at me surprised, and got up. Then Derek smirked not making me back down. He didn't scare me, and he lunged at me, but I gotten out of the way on time. I jumped out of the way, and he ran into a tree. If this wasn't a bad situation, I would've laughed.

He turned to face me, and glared. I smiled just to piss him off. It worked because he lunged at me again, and this time got me. He held my arms behind my back. I only smirked, and waited for him to try and bite me.

When I felt his hot breath on my neck I snapped my head back, and gave him the backwards headbutt. He let go, and I turned to punch him in the face. All I felt right now was anger, and adrenaline running through my veins.

Derek caught my fist on time, and was about to break it, when he was thrown off of me. I looked and saw that it was Kol. He looked really mad to.

"Go check on Bella." he said lowly. I nodded, and ran to her side to aid her.

Bella's POV

Kol told Kayla to check on me, and by that time, I was sitting up. I watched in awe as he was fighting. Kayla was at my side now, and she asked if I was ok. I didn't reply. All I did was watch blurs of Kol, and Derek fighting.

Then Elijah was at my side, but didn't answer them. More like couldn't because I was still shocked that they were alive. I thought they killed them?

Kol was now in front of me. His hands were bloody, and he looked at me concerned.

"At least they're dead." I muttered getting up, with the help of Kayla. Kol, nodded, and I looked to Elijah seeing him nod as well. We started back to the house with Kayla in the lead.


When we got back we saw Jacob, Emma, and Nora still standing there. Their expressions looked far away. It was weird, but Kol, and Elijah walked up to them and started to compel them. Katherine appeared, and started to compel Nora to forget what happened. She compelled Nora the story that Elijah, and Kol had made up.

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