The fear of falling apart

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(Hey guys, how do you like the story? I would like to hear your thoughts and stuff, I may be making another story soon but I am not sure yet. Anyway, enjoy the story :)

Brendon was the first to wake up. He still felt Ryan's arms around his waist, and his breath tickling the back of his neck. He reached over to check his phone for the time, and it read 7:14am

Ryan, feeling the shift of weight on the bed, pulled Brendon closer onto his chest. Brendon almost let out a squeal from the sudden motion behind him.

Was he awake or was he naturally doing that in his sleep?

"Good morning Brenny" he said in a groggy voice, but it sounded kinda sexy to Brendon's ears. He snuggled closer into Ryan and in return said, "Good morning Ry, it's early still"
He felt Ryan put his face onto his back and hummed a mhmm which Brendon noticed he did that quite often. The vibrations sent shivers down his spine.

"Whats the time Bren? Isn't today Thursday?" Ryan seemed to forget about school completely, but he didnt care. If it was up to him, he would stay with Brendon all day today.

"It's Friday, and its almost 7:20am. I don't want to go to school today Ry" Brendon pouted, and turned around, hands still around his waist,  so he could see Ryan's pretty doe eyes. He placed a kiss onto Ryan's pale cheek, and got a warm and shy smile in return. Brendon was thankful he left the curtains open so he could easily see that glowing smile of his. The two couldn't resist messing with each other's hair, but between the two of them, Ryan wore messy hair much better, at least Brendon thought so.

Ryan was first to get out of bed, removing his hands around the warmness of Brendon's body. He carefully put his pants on from yesterday, trying not to fall over due to his light-headedness. Brendon sort of lied in bed, watching Ryan get dressed. He noticed that his spine poked out when he bent over, and he felt pitty for the poor boy. He was really skinny. Bones popped out here and there, and he really wondered how badly his father had treated him.

When Ryan was finished, he looked over to Brendon. He hadn't noticed that he was being watched the entire time, and the concern in Brendon's eyes made him feel embarrassed, but nothing was said.

Finally Brendon spoke up.

"Ryan, you should eat more." His words slipped out unintentionally and he immediately wished he said something else, seeing the look on Ryan's face.

Ryan felt a hot burn on his face and even his ears. He thought of his father, and how terrible he had treated him, the beatings, barely letting him eat sometimes. He tried calming himself down, because it was true, but Brendon just had to say it right then and there. He had a very strong urge to walk out of the room and leave. He motioned to grab his shoes, eyeing Brendon the whole time.

He let out an annoyed sigh but he didnt want to get mad.

"You are right" his eyes darkened like the last time he talked about his father.

At first Brendon couldn't really say anything except sorry.

"I am sorry Ryan I just feel bad, and I love you and I want the best for you, and- and seeing you like that is just-just- nevermind that was rude I will try to ignore it. I love you the way you are and I would love you even if you had an extra nose on your forehead..."

Ryan smiled at Brendon's rambling and he felt his anger and the burning on his ears quiet down. But then another thought came to mind.

First period. Mr. Weekes. Could Brendon really have feelings for him? Did they ever sleep together? Wait, that's illegal. Oh god

He was about to put his shoes on when he heard Brendon's mother calling Brendon saying he needed to wake up. The two stood frozen as they heard footsteps coming from the hall. They looked at each other, then Brendon motioned for Ryan to go out the window.

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