Chapter Thirty

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Diana walks along the row of bookshelves in the boarding house, her eyes tracing the names and titles. Alaric watches her. Worried about her. Her slip up with Derek is just the beginning. Diana hums a little.

"Did you contact Artie?" she asks, Alaric nods.

"Bonnie wrote to her" He answers. "I don't know if she's sent it yet but...I asked her to do it with her being part of this whole supernatural thing and not some...human" She smirks slightly.

"That's what you are worried about? That Artie won't respond because you are human?" he shrugs and then nods. "She'd probably have more of an issue because you are a man" She comments.

"She doesn't like men?" He asks her, she nods and hums. "So how did she end up having a kid?"

"Demon gender trickery" she answers. "Crowley" She rolls her eyes a little. "From how colorful Artie always talked about him, I don't think she liked him all that much...."

"What about students?" He asks. "Aren't there any male demigods?" she hums and nods.

"Yeah, she's not as hands-on with them as she is with the females," She tells him. "Her brother takes most of their training and stuff" she touches the spine of a book on the shelf. She takes a deep breath as her eyes turn black.

"Diana?" he asks her, she hums a little.

"Yeah, just..." She clutches to the book in front of her. She turns but he's right there behind her. He grabs her arm, stopping her from throwing the book at him.

"Don't" he scolds her as he presses her back into the bookshelf, his fingers tight around her wrist. "Drop it" He whispers, she takes a breath and then releases the book. "I think I need to take you back downstairs" he adds.


Later; Alaric walks down into the basement where he managed to get Diana locked back up. She wasn't happy about it, but there was still enough of less demon Diana to comply. He knocks on the door.

"Elena's at home," Alaric tells her, Diana glances at him over her shoulder. "She's fine..." she nods and looks down at her shackled ankle. "She wanted to see you but I told her that..."

"I was incarcerated again?" He nods a little. She then frowns and suddenly crouches and yanks on the shackle chain. Alaric frowns.

"What are you doing?" She yanks the chain, hard and rips it out of the wall. "Diana" he scolds.

"Let me out, now" She growls as she moves to the door.

"I can't.."

"This isn't about me running, this is about a vampire approaching the house" He stares at her. "The same vampire I felt earlier...." He unlocks the door and she pushes her way out.


Stefan is in the library, he hears a noise and a vampire is running around him. He takes a stake.

"Who's there?" He asks. A female vampire shows herself to him. Rose. One of the two vampires that had Elena. One of the ones that planned to barter her off to some other vampire. 

"I'm not here to hurt you." She tells Stefan.

"Why are you here?"

"Lexi once told me that you're one of the good ones." Rose offers just as Diana then tackles her to the ground and shoves her arm over her neck, ready to snap, if need be. She is not about to be nice to this vampire. 

"Diana" Stefan scolds. "Stop"

"This is the one that took Elena" Diana growls.

"Just...give me a second" Stefan asks of her, Diana stares down at Rose who stares back at her. Diana then stands and nods. "Thank you" Stefan offers as Rose stands. "So you knew Lexi?" He asks her. Rose watches Diana cautiously before turning to Stefan.

"Trevor was my best friend." She tells Stefan. "For 500 years I have lived with one person and he's gone and I don't want to run anymore because I don't have anywhere else to run to."

"Well, I'm sorry but.." Stefan motions between himself and Diana. "We can't help you."

"I don't need your help but I think you need mine. Elijah may be dead but this isn't over."

"What do you mean 'it's not over'?" Stefan asks her. 

"It isn't over. The Originals, they'll come for her. They have to. They're doing it for him." Rose warns him.

"For who?" Stefan asks her. 


"Wait...Originals?" Diana asks and then smirks. "Like the Original vampires?" Stefan frowns and looks at her.

"You know who she's talking about?" Stefan asks her, Diana nods.

"Yeah...they're on Artie's shit list....have been for a millennium" Diana offers and then squeals a little. "And they're coming for Elena..." Stefan frowns at her, she turns to face him. "And I will finally get to kill them" she claps to herself. Rose frowns.

"Urm Diana's a....hunter of Artemis" Stefan offers. "They..."

"Hunt vampires" Rose finishes. "Yes, I've heard of them..." Stefan then frowns at Diana.

"Where's Alaric?" he asks her.

"Here" Alaric states from the basement doorway. "I'm fine...and I heard...." He looks at Diana, she honestly looks so excited right now that it's a little scary.

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