Batman and Wolverine

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Batman looked at the city-hall in the distance. The last rays of the sun seemed to touch it's zenith. The impressive edifice, despite it's corrupt history was said to radiate power and confidence. Batman knew better: this building, despite it's name, was filled not with hard-working city officials but with corrupt brutes. If evil was power, the city hall definitely radiated it.

He analyzed the situation: Wolverine was somewhere loose in the city. He had flanked Wolverine in the streets but he had deceived him somehow. With the little glance Batman had caught of him, he knew he wouldn't be an easy opponent. His fearsome appearance, with bulging muscles and an angry look in his eyes, was horrifying. But Batman didn't care, he had long conquered fear. Ra's Al Ghul had taught him that. Even today his memory touched a raw nerve: the man who had extended him support; taught him; trained him; made him who he was; he had killed him. But, Justice was Justice. Gotham deserved another chance.

Suddenly, a roar in the distance brought Batman back to the present. There was a loud howling voice coming from the city-hall. Batman, his voice as calm and serene as ever, talked into his com. device "Alfred. I have located him."

The voice coming was hesitant,"Sir, are you sure I shouldn't send any backup. I can request SWAT support. Wolverine is too powerful..."

"Alfred, I don't have time for this. I am headed for the city-hall. He might be there." saying this he switched off his com. device and headed back to the Bat mobile. The sleek, futuristic vehicle was equipped with all sorts of gadgets he needed. The complexity of it's mechanism could be understood by a genius only, and he was a expert at it.

Sitting back, he grabbed the wheel and brought the mobile to life. Reversing, he quickly turned the mobile towards city-hall. As he sped towards it, he could see the empty streets and the desolate houses, the houses which had once been occupied. Wolverine's fear had led many to leave the city, while some loyal had decided to remain locked in their houses. The police, untrained and helpless, had succumbed with most of the officers running away to save their lives, believing it to be more precious than the lives of countless others. He looked at his destination yet again, he could see the entrance easily now. But something strange caught his eye. He thought he was mistaken, but when he looked again, he couldn't stop the shiver running down his spine, his first one in years.

"What has he done?"

With great dexterity and equal speed, he stepped out of the Bat mobile, only to see about a dozen Gotham citizens lying dead on the marble floor. They had been mercilessly hacked, with body parts lying all over. The once white marble floor was now a tapestry of blood. The morbid sight made him stop in his path, but he realized there would be more such scenes if he let Wolverine live. He calmly stepped into the main hall- a great work of art with ornate neoclassic decorations and odd looking gargoyles at the sides. The coloured walls seemed welcoming and the ceiling, with it's graceful chandeliers dancing with the wind was a sight to behold. Walking down the huge corridor, he looked for signs of Wolverine. He noticed a quick movement in a small room in front of him. Wolverine would surely be there. He carefully walked into the room, trying not to alert the maddened wolf.

As he entered the room, his senses alert, he looked around. It was an ordinary room, a clerk's office by the look, with whitewashed walls and roofs. The room had a strange aura.

Suddenly, the doors closed behind him and there was a sound of retracting blades. Batman turned back, only to look into Wolverine's wild eyes. Bare-chested, he looked even more ferocious. His muscular abdomen was covered with blood. His face had a smile. "So, the Dark Knight finally paid me a visit." Saying this, with his bloody Adamandium blades, he lunged at Batman.

Batman was no amateur to surprise attacks; he easily blocked the blades with a quick movement of his gloves and jabbed him in the chest. Wolverine didn't even wince. Batman again punched him in the chest, trying to pin him to the ground with a powerful kick, but Wolverine grabbed his leg and threw him across the room. Batman stood up, blood now dripping from his mouth. He ran towards Wolverine and caught him at the hip; pinning him to the ground. Sitting on his chest, he delivered powerful blows to face continuously. At last, tired, he got up, thinking Wolverine was dead. To his amazement, he saw the deep wounds in his face healing, conspicuously! In less than a minute, they had healed and Wolverine was now standing on the ground, his face full of rage. He punched Batman, who now was lying on the ground from the pain.

"Adamandium, the strongest stuff I know." he said as he cut Batman's left hand with his powerful blades. Batman could feel the blood gushing form his arm, near his palm.

"Don't worry; I will go with you nice and easy. Pain is good." he said.

Batman tried to get up, the pain was excruciating, but his will was strong. Making a quick decision, he took out a flash grenade from his belt and threw it in Wolverine's face. When Wolverine finally recovered, he saw he was the only one in the room...

A few metres above Wolverine, atop a gargoyle, Batman tried to analyze the situation. The last few seconds had been a blur- he had thrown a flash grenade at Wolverine's face and had used his grappler to reach to safety above. He couldn't defeat Wolverine in a hand to hand fight, that was certain, reason being his injured arm and Wolverine's immense strength. Nor could he use his gadgets- they could severely maim a man but couldn't kill, or effect, this beast. All he needed was some time.

Then, like a hammer, it hit him.

Below, Wolverine bellowed with rage-"Coward!!!"

Above... Batman made a bold decision. He switched on his com. device and said "Alfred, ready the Bat plane. Send it to city-hall."

Then, he glided down quickly and delivered a forceful knee kick to Wolverine. Wolverine, surprised Batman was still there, couldn't react properly. Pressing his boots hard against Wolverine's back, Batman got up and sprinted out of the room, panting, his arm bloody, horribly aching, his face covered with sweat. He hurried towards the exit to each free ground, and saw his Bat Pane ready.

Alfred, so old, but so ready.

He quickly climbed into the colossal structure, securing the hatch. When Wolverine finally came, there was no plane.

Inside the Bat Plane, Batman could see Wolverine perfectly. It had taken the touch of a single button to engage the camouflage mode. Cameras arranged in specific positions around the Bat Plane recorded and displayed the videos on the other side of the plane. To the casual eye, the Bat Plane didn't exist.

"WHERE ARE YOU!!! I WILL KILL YOU !!!" he cried down the moonless night.

Suddenly, he heard a voice. It was near, as if by an invisible source.

"You wanted me. Here I am."

There was a flash of bright light as two missiles struck Wolverine. The explosion was deafening. The pain worse. He lay on the ground, writhing in unbearable agony, his whole body burnt badly by heat. Batman quietly stepped out the Bat Plane. This was easier than he had thought.

Now the climax.

He took out a normal concussion detonator and put a 10 seconds timer on it. Then, without any emotion, he put it in his mouth.

This, he won't survive.

He went back to the Bat Plane with steady steps.

In a higher world, Jean materialized in front of Logan. He asked her, "Jean, is this death?"

"Yes, this is death."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2014 ⏰

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