- Chapter 4

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His eyes never left mine as he made his way over to the bed of the truck. Finally, he had to drop his eyes to take a look at the dead rogues, all tied up. I looked over at Bella and gave her an apologetic smile, "Sorry, I gotta get back home. Bye, Bels!"

I rush out of the woods, remaining in my human form. Once daylight breaks, I find myself in my backyard. My dad tries to talk to me when I enter, but I can't hear him as I run up the stairs. My heart is pounding and I can hear my own blood pulsing through my veins. My phone buzzed and I picked it up.

Call from: Unknown.

"Hello?" I answer, though I'm not completely sure as to why I did.

"Margo! It's Bella, you know, the girl from earlier. Anyways, one of the rogues is still alive and Alpha Wesley wants to question him. He wants you to help question since you were there," she babbles on in a mad rush.

"Okay, okay. Could you pick me up to take me there?" I ask her. I seemed completely cool and collected, but on the inside I was freaking out.

"Sure! Just text me the address!" She says and the line clicks dead. First, I save her number into my phone, then text her my address.

Speedily, I change into jeans, a new t-shirt, and a navy blue zip up hoodie. A car horn honks and I run downstairs and out the door. I hop into the passenger side and she pulls out of the driveway.

"So where's Adrian?" I ask her.

"He's with Alpha Wesley, mending the rogue so we can question him," she tells me honestly. I nodded and we're consumed in a comfortable silence. We finally pull up in front of a grand mansion, surrounded by woods, woods, and more woods. The castle-like home deemed perfect for a strong, powerful, and wealthy Alpha like Wesley.

"Come on," Bella said in a new tone of seriousness as she dragged me along towards a stone shack in the back yard. The moment we entered, I could smell the stench of blood, rotting flesh, and death. Is this some kind of outdoor, above ground, dungeon of some sort? I guessed so.

Once my eyes adjusted to the poorly lit room, my eyes fixated on the man who sat crumpled in the corner. He was wearing only some shorts and his hair was tossed messily in all different directions. He had cold, dark brown eyes. Alpha Wesley and Adrian stood, looming over him. The imprisoned man finally spoke in a hoarse, scratchy voice.

"Let me go." His deep voice held a million lies.

"Tell me, what's your name? And where do you come from?" Adrian was the first to ask a question.

The man glared at him, "My name is Garret and I come from Minnesota." I look into him and find that he's telling the truth about this much information.

"Well then, Garret," Adrian spoke his name with utter disgust, "Please explain why you crossed Black Moon territory?"

"We were just looking," Garret says with a shrug.

Lie. I could obviously tell, by the way his eyes lost a little bit of their fiery coldness.

"Don't believe him," I spoke up, making the four others in the room stare at me, "He's lying."

The man looked down, "Alright you caught me! We were just looking for an old family friend." The word family caught my attention. He's a rogue, any family of his would be in his pack -- a thing he doesn't have. I glared at him, but the alpha obviously caught onto this as well. Wesley slapped the man forcefully.

He shouted, "You treat us as fools? You have no family! You incompetent, useless, rogue." He said the word rogue with such distaste, you'd think he and the simple word were enemies.

"Stop!" I demand as they're about to beat him senseless. Everyone stares at me once more, "Back away." They do as told and I move towards the rogue. I squat down and stare into his eyes, his soul, his brain and mind, until I find what I'd been looking for. I found what we needed and wanted to know -- why did these rogues come here to attack us together? Well, I had just found the answer.

Standing up, I turned to Bella who was writing everything down, "He was ordered by his former Alpha to come here and abduct someone and they made him a rogue so we wouldn't be able to tell where he's from." Garret gasps and all eyes grew wide. Bella scribbled this down madly and the man looks a me, horrified.

"Who ordered you here, who are you supposed to take, and why are you supposed to take them?" Alpha Wesley demands in one of the deepest, most sexy voices.. Whoa! No, I cannot fall for my Alpha.. Who happens to be my mate. I mean, all they ever do is lose control and hurt and kill. I will never fall in love with an alpha.

The shaken man speaks quieter now, "I was sent by Alpha Darius of the Blue Dawn pack to retrieve Margo Eleanor Jones. He had explained that she is his, and had run away."

Everyone's eyes turn towards me besides Wesley's. But I could tell what he was thinking -- he was about to kill the man in front of us. I shake my head and start towards the door. Abruptly, I stop at the door and turn around, "It's a shame really, you have to die because of an Alpha's lie."

With that, I left the small stone holding cell and walked down the driveway, down the roads, and miraculously made it back to my house. Sitting at the dining table was my dad. He had a cup of tea in front of him while he stared at the opposite wall. I took a seat across from him and he seemed to be startled by my presence.

"Why did you eavesdrop?" He asks me in a small whisper. Excuse me? He really thought I was eavesdropping.

"I didn't." I state simply, "I looked into your mind and found the truth. Some of us have special abilities like that, dad." After this, I stood up and went into my room, falling asleep. A reoccurring nightmare continued to cycle throughout my slumber.

Wesley was killed in multiple ways as I was kept prisoner. Only, it was Darius who was killing him over and over again. The sound of chains was overwhelming and I could feel sweat beads trickling down my body. My mind wouldn't let me wake up from this torture, though. There was a blaring noise and I sprang up from my bed. Sighing, I slammed my hand down on the off button and went to take a shower.

Thank god for alarm clocks.

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