- Chapter 15

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The men carrying me were tackled to the ground and I sprinted up the steps, not even looking back at my saviors. I ran to the back glass sliding door and stared at the scene in front of me. It was complete and total chaos. To my disappointment, Darius' pack looked as if they carried the upper hand if even by a little.

There was strike against strike, blow after blow, blood shed after blood shed. And this was still all my fault. Turning around, I heard the front door tyring to be shoved open and I did the first thing I though to do. Run upstairs. I ran into the farthest back room which turned out to be the bathroom. Opening the window, the smell of blood and dirt filled my nostrils. Looking below, I say one of Darius' men fighting one on one against Wesley's man who was losing.

I swung my legs out the window and whistled just loud enough to grab both of their attention. But I had already dropped from the second story and onto the guy's back. There was a crack and he didn't get up. Wesley's guy nodded as if saying 'thank you' then ran off to take on another two people he easily took out.

Reaching into the man's pockets, I grabbed three stun grenades. Perfect.

The number of wolves rapidly increased, as well as the number of dead or injured bodies lying on the ground. A strange gas spread throughout the battlefield and I began to felt lightheaded. One of Wesley's men handed me a gasmask and I immediately put it on, until the smoke cleared. i whipped it off.

I looked straight ahead and found Darius staring at me with a scowl on his face. A cold, evil emotion overcame me as I threatened him with my eyes. I stalked forwards, not once taking my eyes off of him. He stood still. The soldiers fought around me and cleared a path as I walked.


Suddenly, I was on the ground, a pounding throb came from my upper back. I thought I felt blood drip. Now was not the time to die. Everything seemed to stop and play in slow motion for the second time today.

"Margo!" Wesley screamed, then was tackled and pinned down to the ground. He struggled against the three men it took to keep him down. Justin was took down next, as well as Daniel. They screamed my name, begging me to leave. I didn't listen.

Two guards stood in front of Darius, then moved aside a little so we had perfect views of each other. Fighting continued around, and I was still on my hands and knees. I glared daggers at him. Now was not the time to give up, Now was the time to fight for our future.

Standing up, I heard Wesley scream, "Run!"

Once again, I didn't listen.

And honestly, I don't think I cared. My mind and heart was set on killing him. I pulled out the three stun grenades and set them off, all around me. I took the dagger from the nearest dead soldier and continued to walk through the thick gray fog.

Emerging from the smoke, I walked right up to Darius, the dagger hiding in my sleeve. He grinned evilly as the guards took hold of me. One holding each arm. I screamed and tugged my arms away from them. The blade was digging into my forearm.

Darius pulled out a long sword and Wesley yelped as if in agony. Justin and Daniel cried my name. Now or never, I told myself. Suddenly, their grip loosened and I lunged forward. His sword scraped my side, gashing the skin open. It didn't matter.

My dagger was raised.

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