Chapter 2 - June 18, 2020 - Learn to Dominate

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Learn to Dominate - Alphapreneur Motivational Speech VideoJun 18, 2020

I don't like this word "dominate" it's too obvious and it's one of those things when said out loud you just can't achieve anymore, there's a lot to be said about humble accomplishments, at least in my position, more power Sir

The more oil companies we have, the better, because it's good for the customer, the more technology companies we have that's not just Microsoft, the better for the customer, but if you're the one playing the game, you want to dominate the field.

"I might be wrong but I refuse to be uncertain"

My family's told me not to start every business that I've been involved in. Every one of them was a risk.

I remember my mom used to tell me, I wouldn't do that if I were you. I'm like, mom, you wouldn't do anything.

Oh my gosh hahahahhaahhahahahahha he consults with his mom.

Just because she's my mom doesn't mean she dreams like me.

119 billion dollars in 5 years in the bank in cash.. in the bank sitting there...... brings a great product to the marketplace, domination or competition? total domination...

Coca-cola, competition or domination? Total domination.

What does Warren Buffet do with his time? That's what I study today.. I don't study the people that I went to school with, teachers I went to school with, I don't even study my own family members..

I'm looking for people that are way up here that I can say hey what are they doing because they're doing it right.


he's cute, oh he's married


you get around one guy and says yeah you could do it (build the number one social network for entrepreneurs), and then you talk to them tomorrow, and he's like no dude, it's frikkin' you can't do this yet..

you know where there is a lot of (advice) of? save your money, protect yourself, don't take risks

Taking risks is the new way to be risk adverse

The biggest struggle for me was my family man, people closest to me was the biggest struggle, every time I went out to do another deal, everybody told me, you don't need to do that man

The only person encouraging me was my twin brother cos I would see how he was doing and he was making his swings

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