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jimin still has his finger pointed towards taehyung until taehyung lifts his head up. jimin waved at taehyung.

jungkook just stared. his face was in shock. he turned around quickly before taehyung got the chance to glance at him.

"dude, you didn't even look for two seconds." jimin said turning around in his chair to face jungkook. "i don't care, i already saw him."

"guk you barely eve-" jungkook whips his head around to jimin. "i saw okay!" jungkook picks up his bag and walks out of the room.

"what the fuck has gotten into him?" jimin questions to himself as he grabs his things and heads out as well to find his bestfriend.

"jeon?" jimin walks the empty halls, since everyone was still in class. "jungkook!" jimin saw jungkook walking to the parking lot of the school. "JEON JUNGKOOK WAIT A DAMN MINUTE!"

jimin ran over to jungkook who was throwing his bag into his car. jimin got up to the car and catches his breath. "why do you walk so damn fast?!" jungkook eyes jimin and got in his car.

jimin took the opportunity to open the passenger door and plop down in the passenger seat. "jimin get out of my car." jungkook doesn't look at him.

"no, jk. what could i have possibly don't to make you this upset for you to want to go home???" jungkook turns his head to face jimin.

"it's nothing, please just go back to class and say that i'm sick." jungkook starts his car. "i'm going to quote you, 'if you skip i skip.' so where are we going?"

jungkook sighs and starts to drive. "home, i'm dropping you off at your house." jimin widened his eyes. "NO THE FUCKING HELL YOU'RE NOT." jungkook laughs. "fine, i know your mom would beat your ass. i just wanted to scare you. we're going to my house."

jimin slightly smiled. "will you tell me what's wrong at your house then?" jungkook stays silent. "i guess that's a no?" jungkook still doesn't say a word.

"okay be like that grumpy old man." jungkook scrunches his face, confused. "jimin you're older then me by 6 months."

"that doesn't matter, you're grumpier then me! and i'm park jimin. you can't get more grumpier then park fucking jimin."

jungkook scoffed as he pulls into his driveway. he felt relieved that his parents weren't home today since sometimes they work from home.

he unlocked his door and got out. leaving jimin still in the car. "WHAT- JEON LET ME OUT MOTHER FUCKER ITS HOT!" jimin hits the window a couple of times before jungkook points down at the door.

"there's a unlock button right there you absolute dumbass." jungkook starts to walk to his front door as jimin got out of the car.

jungkook opened the door to be greeted by the maids. "don't tell them we came here okay?" the maids nodded and proceeded to do there duties.

"i love how they don't say a word, it's kinda cool." jimin said. jungkook sighs and starts to walk upstairs.

he throws his bag to the side and plops down face first into his bed. "i missed this." jimin laughs. "you literally were on it not even a hour ago." jungkook lifts his head up. "that doesn't matter, my bed is my favorite place. my safe place." he plops his head back down.

"okay jk." jimin plops down next to him. "okay, i know you don't want to talk about it but maybe just give me the tinest detail on what exactly i did?" jimin questions.

"you didn't do anything." jungkook sits up from his bed to go get a snack from the mini fridge he had in the corner of his room. "so what possibly made you so mad that you wanted to come home so badly?"

jungkook was silent.


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