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'Everything.... Affects Everything'


"Hey, clay isn't it?" Her voice started as if it had been heard before. Live and in stereo. Curly chocolate hair engraved her look, contrasting her pale skin with her pink lips and aquatic sea blue eyes. Clicking the rusty old bike lock into place, I removed my mundane helmet and slowly turned towards the females voice. I smirk in confusion.

"Sorry, do I known you? And H-how'd you know my name?" Swatting my ratted helmet hair the girls face becomes somewhat imposed leaving and impression of quirkiness upon her face.

"Uh your helmet, it has the word clay plastered on the side so unless your into pottery, which your clearly not, I'm guessing that's your name" A smile forged as she spoke, lifting her tone further into the air. "It's Hannah, by the way. Hannah Baker"

I stop for a moment, why is she talking to me of all people? "Why hello Hannah baker. Its nice to meet someone who's actually upfront for once." Continuing her stance, she thanks me,

"fair warning, I'm a nobody"

Looking taken aback, she softened into realisation. "oh I'm not that upfront, I'm kinda walking in blind and need assistance." stopping with a wry smile, she waited.

"that's totally cool, I know the feeling, just tag along and you won't get lost."

Stopping and assessing the situation for a second i slam my had unto my chest as if in pain as if in sudden pain. "wait! Excuse me baker, did you just assume I don't like pottery?" Awaiting her answer i faced her with a sarcasticly stupid smirk.

She accepted my request at sarcasm and just stood, smiled and curled her face into a offended manner. "great bedside manner clay" her voice retorted with a slight laugh.

"So where first helmet" she pirked up.

"It's Jensen to you" clay spat abruptly than smiled. "Welcome to liberty high" stopping to offer my arm, i continued. "its not the best but it also isn't the worst and I'm pretty sure you'll get used to it"

"Then let's go" she cooed as she linked closely with me, tightly, arms now locked.

"And you, are my new best friend" I joked as we began to walk, still linked, around, the carpark slowly, continuing our small talk and newly acquainted sudden brewing friendship.


Fiddling with the hem of my hoodie, i sat alone with the cold leaching into my tender skin. I was frozen in place hinting pacience.
Where is she?
Though silent in thought, I clasped the edge of my sleeves, clasping onto as much warmth as possible.

"Clay.." hanna was behind me now, her voice was tender and forward. "I'm sorry, Ive been summoned."
She adjusted herself and continued, leaving nothing amiss.
"misses Antellie"
she fowerds her tone  with a slight inward of her lips that's slip into a wry smile.

"Oh" I say. "I understand, you are new after all. We can hang out tomorrow."
Standing up, I re-adjust myself and stand with a distance between eachother and our new friendship.

"The Crestmont, after school, I'll meet you there" an without my response or even an after breath, she was gone. Turned away and back into the school in a swift sudden movement.


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