Chapter 29

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Jeongyeon pov

I ran towards the balcony. I don't know why but tears started falling on my cheeks. I felt betrayed. What if the things he told me were lies? I shouldn't have come here but if I didn't I wouldn't know what's he doing behind my back. I sighed and quickly wiped my tears.

"That bitch!" I heard someone scream from another room. That voice, it sounds familiar.

Jimin pov

We arrived at the party and it was a bit crowded. Eunha approached us and welcomed us.

"I'm gonna dance!"Hobi hyung said and started dancing.

"I'm gonna wait for Sana here"Taehyung said. I went upstairs with Jin hyung and sat on the corner where there is like a mini bar. We got some drinks and started to drink.

"They invited us here and they're not here yet"Jin hyung laughed. After a while, we drank a lot. I couldn't count how many shots we had.

"Hyung, the roof is *hiccup* moving" I said pointing above.

"No roof. That's wings covering the house!"he laughed while clapping. I laughed as well.

"Everyone here is not handsome as me"he claimed.

"Eww" I scoffed. He stood up on the chair and danced. I clapped at him and laughed that I almost fell off my chair.

"Yow, I'm very handsome you know!" he exclaimed and other visitors just looked at him weirdly. He got down from the chair and sat again.

"Jimin ah, your 1, your 2"He said, pointing at his fingers.

"Hyung~ that's amazing" I was amazed that he's counting.

"Wait here. I'm going to check up on the others" he said and went downstairs. I ordered another shots and drank them again. After I drank the last shot, I noticed someone sat beside me. I didn't mind and ordered another drink.

When I was about to drink it, I felt a hand on my thigh. I stared at the hand.

"You're not Jin hyung~" I babbled.

"Of course. It's me baby"
I looked up to see a girl smiling at me and then she winked.

"You look.. Familiar" I mumbled. Where did I saw this girl?

"Ah! You're Rose" I said and she chuckled.

"That's right" she said and I felt her caress my thigh. I drank again.  What's wrong with her?

"You're so thick.. I like that" she whispered seductively on my ear. I'm not gonna be tempted by that, I never will.

"What do *hiccup* you want?" I asked.

"You're drunk. You should go with me, I'll take care of you" she said and grabbed my arm, pulling me. I shook my head and removed myself from her grip.

"There's two of you~" I said pointing at her and she just giggled. I took another sip from my drink.

I can feel that she's staring at me but I didn't mind. I was about to take another sip but she snatched the glass from my hand.


She smashed her lips on mine and placed her hand on my cheek. I froze. It took me a while to process what's happening.

I managed to push her away from me after a minute. This is disgusting.

"Eww"I scoffed.

"My heart belongs to someone else"I managed to say.

"Is it her? Yoo Jeongyeon again?!" she asked.

"Well, she's *hiccup* perfectly imperfect"I smiled thinking about her.

"I hate you"she said and walked away.
I stood up and waved at her.

"Bye asshole!"

Jeongyeon pov

"He pushed me away and told me his heart belongs to that bitch!" I heard her yell. I peeked through a small hole and gasped. That's Rose with her friends.

They heard me gasp and looked at my direction. Rose opened the door, making it hit my nose. I winced in pain. Thank goodness it's not bleeding.

"'s your fault!"She pushed me. Does that mean she forced the kiss?

I don't know why she's mad at me when I'm the one who is supposed to be mad at her for kissing Jimin. Wait. I'm not his girlfriend, why should I be mad?

"He pushed me away because of you!" she yelled and I slapped her.

"Why is it my fault again? Why do you keep on blaming me? It's your fault, you already know he doesn't like you" I retorted.

"Rose please leave. You're causing a lot of trouble here"I heard Eunha said. Rose got embarrassed. She rolled her eyes and left with her friends. I thanked Eunha for doing that.

Where did Jimin go? I looked for him again and saw him stumbling on the stairs.

"Jimin" I called and I noticed he's looking for where that sound came from. I came closer to him until he noticed me. He just stood there staring at me. He's not even blinking. I waved my hand in front of his face but he's still not moving.


I got surprised when he suddenly hugged me.

"Jeongyeon~" he whined. He's drunk. He's obviously drunk.

"I'm gonna tell you *hiccup* something" he said. I took his arm and placed it on my shoulder, helping him walk straight.

"Let's go down first okay?"
He nodded and we walked downstairs. He's heavy, we were wobbling. I sat him on the couch. I saw Taehyung and Sana making out but I looked away.

"Earlier.." he started and I hummed in response.

"Let me finish, okay? A witch kissed me earlier, I mean Rose, she looks like a witch though.. But I promise I didn't kiss her back. I even wiped my lips!" he explained and raised his right hand.

He's cute while telling me this. I'm also touched because of his honesty despite being drunk.

"Do you believe me?" he asked with puppy eyes. He smiled brightly when I told him I believe him.

"You got a booboo~"he said, pointing at my nose. Oh no. It's because I got hit by Rose from the door. I checked my mirror and it is kinda red. This is embarrassing, I look like Rudolph.

"A booboo~, are you okayyy?" he asked.

"I'm fin-" he cut me off by pecking my nose. I got startled and my eyes widened. I touched my nose.

"There! It will be gone sooon"he smiled. I blushed.

"Uhh t-thanks. Let's go home. You're drunk, Jimin"I grabbed his arm but he pushed my hand away gently.

"Jimin? I'm not Jimin! I'm Diminie"he pouted and crossed his arms. I chuckled. I looked around to check the others but they were also drunk. How can I take them home now?

"I'm Diminie~"He whined and stomped his feet repeatedly like a child.

I asked help from Jungkook and Jihyo to take these drunk people home. Jimin fell asleep on the couch.

I used this time to study his face. Everything about him is precious. I leaned closer and caressed his cheek. I flinched when he suddenly grabbed my hand. I thought he was asleep.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me, still holding my hand. His face was so close to mine that I couldn't breathe.

"Did I ever tell you that you look so beautiful today?"I heard him mumble before going back to sleep.

Hi everyone! I'm sorry for not updating for a week. I was really busy because we're bombarded with school works🙃 I'm not sure when I'll update again but I'll try my best. Let me know your thoughts about this chapter and don't forget to vote!! ❤️
Stay safe, love youu all ❤️

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