Felix x Reader - Sing for Me

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A/N: Inspiration taken from his supports with Annette. If I didn't want Felix all to myself, him ending up with Annette is just so cute.

It was way past curfew but as per usual, you couldn't sleep. The war just made stress levels so high, it was impossible to calm down and get adequate rest. Everyone's lives were at stake and you couldn't fathom losing a friend. Figuring fresh air was the best medicine, you snuck out to explore some of the monastery. You arrived at the entrance hall and something caught your eye -- a grand piano in a small, hidden room. It had been so long since you had touched a piano, but being a noble and all your parents made you learn such frivolous things.

Mmm a few songs couldn't hurt, you thought. Walking up to it, you brushed your fingertips over the keys, admiring them calling your name. Sitting on the bench, you began to play.

Felix had just finished up some training outside the monastery and had planned on sneaking back up to his room, but the sound of music sparked curiosity. Who is playing piano at two in the morning? His interest got the best of him so he decided to investigate. Following the lovely tune, he quietly approached the small room by the entrance hall. There, he saw none other than you, playing the piano beautifully. He blushed, thankful that you were unaware of his presence. Your face looked serene, illuminated only by the flame of a small candle, but in a way he thought it made you look even more beautiful.

Felix always had a soft spot for you. Under that cold exterior of his held an admiration for you that he couldn't explain. Normally he hated being in the presence of others, he just wanted to train by himself, unbothered. But being away from the monastery those five years made him realize just how much he missed your company. He enjoyed it when he asked you to spar, and it was a win for him as well since you were quite skilled. And as much as he hated sweets and talking to others, he looked forward to the few days a week where you would have tea together. It became routine, all up until the Battle of Garreg Mach.

And now here you were, blessing him with your presence once again. He got to know a lot about you over tea, but this was completely new. He had no idea you possessed musical talent. He stood there in awe as you continued playing, until you stopped quite abruptly.

"Let's see, what else do I remember..." you said to yourself. Immediately you began the introduction to a new song, and to Felix's surprise, you started to sing along to the accompaniment.

♫ Reach for my hand, I'll soar away into the dawn oh, I wish I could stay. Here in cherished halls, in peaceful days I fear the edge of dawn knowing time betrays... ♫

Felix stood there frozen, feeling somewhat betrayed that you never mentioned that you had the voice of an angel. Listening to people sing was a hidden enjoyment of his, as he'd occasionally eavesdrop of Dorothea or Annette singing while doing chores. You on the other hand had never shown this side of you, and Felix wanted to revel in the moment as much as possible. He continued watching in silence, not wanting to make his presence known so he could continue to watch.

Unfortunately for him, in his state of admiration he lost his balance leaning on the wall and fell into the room. You stopped singing immediately, turning toward the abrupt noise and seeing none other than Felix on the ground. You blushed in embarrassment, covering your face with your hands. "Felix, what the hell?! Were you spying on me?"

He looked mortified, clearly in a state of shock and unable to process what just occurred. He stood up and walked closer to you, trying to regain his composure. Without thinking he muttered, "You have a beautiful voice (y/n)."

Your eyes widened and you looked up at him, hints of red dusting your cheeks upon realizing Felix had just complimented you. "O-Oh um thank you Felix... are you uhh, feeling alright? Not that I don't appreciate your praise but it's just so out of character for you."

He crossed his arms out of frustration. "Look, I was just trying to be nice. But I'm not saying it again."

You laughed and your blush became deeper, but you prayed to the goddess that the darkness would hide your flustered face. "Here, come sit. Want to learn?"

Felix sat next to you, trying to hide his nervousness from the close proximity. He couldn't let you find out that THE Felix Hugo Fraldarius was capable of feelings. "As tempting as that sounds, I don't have much of an interest in learning music. But I would like to hear you sing again."

"Wow, Felix wants to spend time with me? You haven't been this way since before the war, are you sure you're not sick? I was sure you'd decline and head to bed," you laughed.

At this point Felix knew it was time to come clean. "Listen closely to me (y/n), I'm only saying this once. Honestly no, I'm not fine. I haven't been able to focus or concentrate on anything because of a certain person always occupying my thoughts. To be blunt, I really like you, no... I love you. So no, I'm not sick. I just want to spend more time with the person I love."

Well, you were VERY caught off guard to say the least. You've always had a soft spot for Felix and you'd be lying if you said the feeling wasn't mutual. You honestly thought you were in a dream, the lack of sleep and the stress of the war must've been getting to your head. However, Felix scolding you brought you back to reality.

"Are you going to say anything? I can handle rejection but your silence is annoying," he scoffed.

Without thinking you took advantage of the close proximity and let your body act on its own. You placed your arms around his neck and your lips on his, making it Felix's turn to be caught off guard. Both of you savored the moment however, and the amount of passion put into the kiss made it blatantly obvious the two of you had been dreaming of this moment for quite some time.

When you broke apart Felix lovingly placed his hand on your cheek, staring into you (e/c) orbs. "Well (y/n), I'm glad the feeling is mutual. Now, back to where we left off. Sing for me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2020 ⏰

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