Tobais × Emilio

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It has been already 2 months Rudy left me.

Each day seemed to stretch and contort into a vast hole of nothingness to Tobais.

Glancing at the clock the time seemed to just be ticking away.

Each tik more contorted.



The loud familiar bell rang snapping Tobais out of his thoughts.

I quietly waited for the rest of the class to scramble out of the classroom and to their next classes.

Although today was diffrent.

Instead of going to their classes most kids ran outside.

It was snowing.

Seeing as nobody else was going to their classes Tobais decided to go with the rest of the class.

Not long after leaving the class an all too familiar voice called behind him.

"Ditching too?" Emilio asked in an nonchalant way.

Giving a light nod Tobais stood still waiting for the lanky teen to walk up next to him.

As soon as Emilio was next to Tobais, he started walking again
              Such repetative footsteps

"So haven't talked in a while have we" Emilio spoke.

An obvious bad attempt at small talk.

Tobias looked up at the school ceiling.

Him and Emilio hadn't talked since Rudy.

A wave of guilt washed over Tobais as he remembered how he ignored Emilio and walked away.

Possibly crying.

Emilio obviously bothered by the lack of response added "Seems like its snowing" "would you like to go check it out"

Responding with a short "yes I would" the boys headed to the backdoor.

There no teacher could catch them and rush them back to their classes.

They neared to the door and soon they where out in the cold.

Tobais turned to look at emilio.

Emilio was clearly struggling. He was rubbing his hands together and hiding his nose in his scarf.

It was kind of...cute??

Tobais now sick of the small talk decided to cut down to a more heavy topic.

"I'm sorry I ran away that day"



Emilio looked over at Tobais in surprise.

Scratching the back of his head Emilio spoke "Wow Tobais I didn't think you remembered that".

Tobais looked at the ground, now covered in white powdery snow.

Next it was Tobais's turn to speak.

"I mean it Emilio, I shouldn't have been so rude, considering all you have done for me".

Tobais Now looked up onto the edge of the forest.

A nest of bluebirds sat in a tree.

The mother bird was patiently sitting on her eggs.

Emilio now taking notice that Tobais was looking at the nest popped in the question.

"Tobais are we freinds?"

Tobais quickly turned to Emilio. Most likely showing an exceeding amount of shock on his face.

Emilio chuckled and turned his gaze back at the nest of birds.

"I guess so" Tobais responded.

"Well its weird" Emilio spoke now fidgeting. "Sometimes I think I see you as more".

Now Tobais was very confused.

"What do you mean by tha-"

Tobais was cut off by Emilio kissing him.

This kiss was different from the time in the woods.

All the worry and anxiety melted away and dripped into the snow.

Soon after Tobais and Emilio turned away, now looking at the birds nest.

Holding hands.

In the cold cold snow.

Without a care in the world.

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