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Sam's Pov.

"Uh, who is this?"

I ask, leaning towards my head towards the phone so I could have a better listen to whoever is on the phone, I gently take out my notebook and pen, clicking the pen on, and look over the phone.

"It's me, Bobby, ya idjit. I'm in some sort of shit show and I need help, I saw a bunch of demons and decided to spy on them, they were talking about some sort of demon then I got spotted and now I'm on their death list, I need..help."

Bobby mumbles the last part making Sam chuckle.

"Where are you?"

Bobby grumbles, glancing at a street

"Uh, humble wood, far from where you and Dean are at. Speaking of your brother, is he with you right now?"

Sam sighed a bit, shaking his head.

"No, he fought with Cas so I'm not sure if he's gonna come out or not."

Sam replied, ripping out the not both page he had wrote in and folded it in his back pocket.

"But I'll be there as soon as possible, just hang on!"

He spoke towards Bobby, hanging up and shoving his phone back in his pocket, and quickly headed out yanking his coat from the racket and heading out of the door.

Dean's pov.

"Stupid demon... Stupid Cas, Fucking assholes." I snarled, Gripping my fist into an anger ball, and furrowed my brows tightly.

"What's that fucking demon have that I don't?" I questioned, falling backward onto my bed with it thudding and a long sad creak.

I stared at the white ceiling, a quick grim flashback sends me chills, I hated that I still remembered that mom was on fire by some supernatural thing, it scarred me and Sammy way back when dad was alive.


Shit hurts, least mom is still somehow back and well, least from what Sam told me.

"Shit, now I'm bored AND pissed off. I need some apple pie. SAM! GET ME SOME APPLE PIE WILL YA? SAM? SAMMY!?"

I groaned and rolled out of bed, catching myself and huffing out of my room, heading towards the living room.

"Sam? Sammy? The hell did he go?" I questioned as I was met with an empty table with lots of paper and scattered books and an empty plate.

"Least he could've cleaned his shit. Fucking hell Sam."

I slightly, and angrily furrowed my brows.

'Great, Sam left to who knows where and Didn't even think of getting me some damn apple pie, Cas tried to fuck the demon we caught and now I'm in a pissy mood.'

I thought, pinching the bridge of my nose as my brows furrowed a lot more.

'Whats next? Bobby being hunted by demons or something?'


"Is that why Sam is gone?? Goddammit!"

I yank my phone out and dialed Sam's number, 'Come on Sam, pick up your damn one!'

"This is Sam Winchester, sorry if I can't get to you right now but I'll their soo-"

I hung up before he could finish.

'Well, at least my phone can tell me where he's at.'

Running out of the living room and my baby I gasp as she was gone just like sam.

He knows I hate it when he takes baby without my permission.


'I guess I have to fucking walk..'

'Great' I thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2020 ⏰

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