Chapter I

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-2 AM-

Bakugo was training outside the dorm building like he always did at this hour. As he was doing his next set of stretches, he noticed a familiar brunette go down the stairs inside. He went closer to the window to get a better look.

Of course it was Uraraka. Bakugo observed as she rummaged through the refrigerator. He entered the building and went closer to her.

"What are you looking for, Round face?," he said, trying to look cool leaning on the refrigerator door.

"I-I, was looking for this!," she took a bottle of iced coffee from inside the fridge.

"Iced coffee?! At 2 in the morning?!"
"Well, i-it's none of your business," she clutched the bottle to her chest. "What were YOU doing outside, Bakugo-kun? Isn't it a bit late to train?"

"If I'm gonna be the next number one hero, this should be nothing," he wiped off his sweet-smelling sweat.

"What's that smell?," Uraraka-san scratched the back of her head. "It smells sweet."

"You should know this by now Round face," he said in a husky tone, "It's my darn sweat."

A few sparks were coming from his palms. Uraraka gulped, and proceeded to walk to the front of the stairs, iced coffee in hand.

"Good night Bakugo-kun!," she smiled sweetly.

Bakugo apparently wasn't expecting that, so he kept staring at Uraraka as she climbed up the stairs.

Apparently Uraraka was hiding something. Why else would she have grabbed that coffee? She was keeping herself awake.

He didn't feel like training anymore, so he went to the bathroom to take a shower.

-The Next Day-

The whole class was training on the training grounds.

Bakugo experimented with some moves he wanted to try, blasting all the cement walls in front of him.

"Young Bakugo really is something," All Might observed from the sidelines. He then turned his gaze to Midoriya.

Midoriya leapt from pillar to pillar in Full Cowling 5% mode. Everyone watched him in awe, noticing his improvement.

"Tch, that Deku," Bakugo glared at Deku in bitterness. He then noticed Uraraka staring at Deku. She was gasping at his every movement. Her eyes sparkled as she watched him.

Bakugo felt annoyed. What was so amazing about Deku? Why must Uraraka stare at him like that? However, at the back of Bakugo's head, he wished that Uraraka would watch him the same way.

"I can do better than that," he muttered. "That nerd Deku just keeps copying my style."

"Bakugo! Everyone knows how amazing and manly you are already," Kirishima hooked his arm over Bakugo's shoulder. "Don't be so bitter bro!"

"Shut up Crazy Hair!," Bakugo removed Kirishima's arm and proceeded to train. By himself. In the corner.

At the corner of Bakugo's eye, he saw Uraraka, also training by herself. She brought out some moves he's never seen before from her. Since the sports festival, he knew that Uraraka was capable of so much more. So he smiled to himself, secretly proud of her. One more person to beat for Bakugo.

Uraraka was running around the place with dozens of rocks, big and small, floating above her head. Then she herself started to float, and holding on to the floating rocks whenever she lost her balance.

"Good work Ochako-chan!," Tsuyu looked up at her. "That looks like a lot, aren't you nauseous yet?"

"Aha, not at a-," Uraraka covered her mouth, and she obviously felt like puking. She fought it back, and leapt down safely from the rocks. "Release!," she said, touching the pads of her fingers together. The rocks then fell beside them.

"Where did you get all those rocks anyway?," Tsuyu asked.
"From the debris Bakugo caused blasting those cement walls."

"I heard my name," Bakugo walked towards them slowly with an intimidating look.
Tsuyu and Uraraka gulped in unison.

"Relax Bakugo, not everything is about you," Tsuyu got her moxie back.

"SHUT UP FROG FACE!," his usual screaming tone came back, and his hands were sparking up again. "YOU CAN ALL DIE FOR ALL I CARE!"

Bakugo kicked the rocks on the way back to his corner like a little kid throwing a fit.

Tsuyu and Uraraka just laughed at him until Uraraka felt the urge to puke again. They walked to the restrooms together.

While Uraraka was washing her face, Tsuyu watched her. "Ochako-san?"
"Yes Asui-san?"
"It's him right? Deku?"

Uraraka's face turned into a shade of bright red. "Wh-what do you mean by D-De-Deku?!"
"It's okay, I know you like him," Asui smirked.
"L-like?! No no no no no!," she was waving her hands frantically in front of her.

Tsuyu just kept smirking at her, until Uraraka finally caught her breath.
"Fine! Maybe I do?!," she blushed.
Tsuyu just kept hitting her teasingly until they went back to training grounds.

Midoriya approached Uraraka.
"Uraraka-san! I saw your moves a while ago! You looked so cool!"
Tsuyu smirked from behind Midoriya and left them alone.

"You too Deku-kun!," Uraraka then covered her red face with her hand.

Slowly Uraraka floated up, up, up.

"Uraraka-san!," Midoriya looked up at her. "Are you okay?!"

Uraraka frantically shook her head in a panic. She accidentally used all five fingers.

Bakugo soon noticed the floating figure in the air through the smoke screen he produced. Uraraka was holding on to the very high up ceiling with her body.

Uraraka looked down at her classmates who looked like ants from her view. For some reason, her quirk deactivated and she started falling. This is it, she thought she was going to break her neck and die. Uraraka couldn't move her hands to make her self float again. She was falling too fast. Everyone screamed.

They all acted in an attempt to save her but-

Suddenly, she felt two arms wrap around her while she was halfway down. In shock, she wrapped her hands around her face, pinkies up. It felt like a blast. Did Deku save her? They landed on the ground, safely.

She gasped, and so did everyone else.

She removed the hands from her face. This person carrying her. Through the smokescreen she could make out a face. It wasn't Deku though.

Bakugo looked down at the person he saved, seeing Uraraka's red face. It was the first time he saw her face this close. He noticed her smooth skin, her charming pink cheeks, and her beautiful brown eyes. Locks of her brown hair were loosely draped around the sides of her face.

A minute later, they snapped back to reality and realized they were staring at each other. Uraraka staring at her savior, Bakugo staring at a beautiful girl.

Bakugo somehow dropped Uraraka to the ground after being his normal self again. He rubbed his eyes and questioned his sanity.

"Ow," Uraraka said. Midoriya supported her back then looked at Bakugo.

Well, Bakugo pretended that nothing happened. Like he didn't just jump and blast off to save a falling Uraraka, carrying her in bridal style, and staring at her face.

"Ugh, what am I doing?," he muttered to himself again.

"Bakugo! You were actually a hero for a minute there!," Kirishima yelled.
"Thank you Bakugo-kun," Uraraka said. "You saved my life."
"Tch. Don't take it personally. It's what heroes do."
Uraraka just responded with a smile.

Bakugo felt his face go warm after seeing that, like from last night.

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