Empty Smile by OnlyForTheOne

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Meet Yasir.

He's eight.

He loves football. 

And ice-cream.

He loves maths too,

and he's always smiling.

One day, Yasir went to the park and he met a big boy called Khalid.

Eight-year-old, maths-loving Yasir goes to the park to play football. He meets a big bully called Khalid. Then, things turn funny after an ice-cream... Learn some valuable lessons in this fun-filled story.

This book is for everyone...especially 2-7 year olds. Islamic manners are taught in this fiction book.Buy the full book and review it at :https://www.amazon.co.uk/Empty-Smile-OnlyForTheOne-MNS-ebook/dp/B088TRYZZFYasir,

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2020 ⏰

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