Professor X and Magneto

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Weeks after Charles had been discharged out of the hospital, he breaks the news to them that he can no longer walk. The bullet hitting a specific part of his spine damaged it, nerves from the hips down are unresponsive.

Alex took the news quite harshly and threw a fit, Hank promised himself to find a cure for Charles and to fix his furry blue form, Sean was ofcourse sad, but took the news rather well than the others. [Y/N] was angered when he first heared that it was because of the bullet, he immediately blamed Erik and he was set to find him and destroy him. Charles eased him, saying it's no ones fault. Not Erik's nor Moira's, he was caught in a cross fire, and he simply can't blame anyone. [Y/N] took this as the sign to not kill Erik, and respect his brother's wishes.

Now that the world had known what they are and what they can do, Charles and the others are transforming the very Xavier mansion to a school. A sanctuary for young mutants, where they are accepted and loved and taken care of. Where they can learn how to control their powers and abilities. Where no one can hurt or threathen them. Where they are free to be themselves.

Charles running over the school with the other four helping Charles.

They discussed this in the night, where they are in Charles' study. A fire heating up in the chimney, and them sat to across the room.

"Wait, so you want to turn this place to a school?" [Y/N] asked.

"Yes, a place where young mutants can stay and be safe also learning how to control their power. And I was thinking that the four of you should help me."

"That's sound like a great idea." Alex said from his seat, sounding really sure and certain.

"Yeah, give the young mutants something we all didn't have." Hank said, and all of them agreed.

"But we're still going in missions right?" Sean asked, earning quiet laughs from the three.

"Yes, Sean. We'll be going on rescue missions for mutants and humans in trouble, we're still on the government's side although they cut off our connection with them, so we create our own." Charles proudly said.

"We're the X-men."

"And you're our Professor X." [Y/N] smiled at his big brother.

"Wait, how are we going to know where to rescue someone?" Alex asked.

"Hank and [Y/N] rebuilt Cerebro and extended the labs underground." Hank and [Y/N] smiled proudly, Alex and Sean scoffing in amazement.

"Then we're in." Havok said.

"Thank you. Havok, Beast, Banshee and Sonicdoom." He happily turns to all of them, his own team, his friends.

"No problem, Professor X."


After their meeting, Alex and [Y/N] decides to call it a night and get ready for bed.

"Y'know I never thought that we will come to this?" [Y/N] muttured to Alex as he is laying on his chest. "Hm? Like this?" Alex asked. "Yeah, I mean, like this, hugging and kissing." He replied chuckling. "Honestly, I thought my feelings were obvious." Alex chuckled. "I though my feelings were obvious." [Y/N] laughed at him and he liften himself so he was face to face with Alex. They both stared at each other for a moment, indulging each of their presence.

[Y/N] leaned in to close the gap, but there was a knock on their door. Making both of them groan and laugh.

"Who is it?" Alex yelled.

"Uh, Hank. Can I borrow [Y/N]?" Hank asks behind the door. Alex nodded to [Y/N] and he hastily pressed a kiss on Alex's lips. He walked to the door and opened it.

"What's up?" He asks Hank.

"Erik is breaking in on a CIA facility." He grimly says, making [Y/N]'s face change from happy and contented to anger and determination.

"Which CIA facility?" He asks while closing the door.


After Hank gave him the coordinates he levitated towards the place. With Hank giving him an ear piece so they can communicate from afar. Charles, Alex and Sean are clueless about their little mission.

He spots the facility who is under defense with all the alarms blaring off. "They must be inside, the communications to that facility is off." Hank said from the ear piece. "I'm going in." He says.

He lands and absorbed some the blaring noice, in case of an attack from Erik's side. His motivations were unclear to him also, why he wants to see Erik and Raven. He knows that he can't persuade them, but why is he tracking them down. Maybe, because he wants to prove something. A point.

He walks in the building, greeted by the sight of guards all laying on the ground, dead. With clean stabs on their bodies. Notable work from the Red Devil, he concluded. He continues to walk down one hall and he saw an officer still breathing and panting, he recognized him as one of the CIA directors who want to shut them down.

"Hey, hey. Stay with me." He hastily tried to the get the man's attention. He saw the stab wound on his chest and placed a hand on it and activated his powers. He transferred some pure energy to the where he was stabbed, so that it could atleast close the wound. "What's your name?" He asked to distract the man from the pain. He groaned and hiss from the sting of [Y/N]'s power. "Frank." He croaked, still in pain. Once [Y/N]'s transfer of energy reaches deep enough from the lethal cut he exhaled in relief. "Okay, Frank I'll come back to you ok? Where are the ones who did this?" Erik and his lackeys. He pointed towards the door on the left and he nodded and charged towards the direction. A metal door is locked tight, probably his doing.

Releasing a burst of energy the door flung out and he was greeted by Erik, Raven and the others. With an additional member, a blonde woman [Y/N] doesn't recognize. Erik looking meta, with a full on magenta and dark purple costume and Shaw's helmet perfectly fitting on his head.

The woman quickly shifted into her diamond form in defense, Azazel ready to draw out his sword, Janos and Angel on guard, Raven looked shocked and confused. And Erik, just looked curiously as [Y/N]. Erik waved off the on guard teammates to calm down.

"Hello Erik, Raven." He quietly mutters to them. Wearing a blank expression.

"Are you here to stop me? Stop us?" Erik's voice steely and commanding, it reminded him the first night they met, when he was sneaking out and [Y/N] caught him.

"Hardly." He replied, remembering the exact night as well. Although Erik was not trusting this and looked at Emma who read his mind but was shielded when he created an invisible mind barrier made of pure energy. Charles taught him and Raven a thing or two about keeping other telepaths out of their heads.

"He's telling the truth. But I can't reach into his mind further." The diamond lady said, with composed voice.

"You're here to join us?" Raven asked with a slight chance of hope that his brother changed his mind and will join their cause.

"I will not. I am loyal to Charles." [Y/N] said quickly.

"Then what are you here for?" Erik asked with a strong sense of authority.

"To prove a point."

"Your point?"

He breathed slowly and exhaled.

"That we're no longer allies, Magneto."

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