"Hey buddy.."

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You went in and sat back down no one noticed you except of Alejandro. Alejandro looked at mattia and made a "what's wrong" face. Mattia shaked his head and saw how Alejandro put his hand on Lilly's waist while she laid on his stomach.

The movie was over and you realized that Kelly was upstairs so you went to your room to see how he watched romantic movies on Netflix.

Y/n: hey buddy...
Kelly: Hi...
Y/n: what's wrong?
Kelly: no one wants me after my cancer and I will die alone *he blushed*
Y/n: no you don't okey
Kelly: oh yeah? Alejandro gave Lilly just one look and they're in love now..
Y/n: but maybe your not her type beb...
Kelly: thanks that helped me... I just thought you'll say "okey I got you a gurl"
*he said with a lightly voice*
Y/n: first my voice isn't that weird and second how shoul I got you-
Y/n: wait a damn minute... I think I know what to do *you kissed his forehead*

You walked back downstairs and made weird things with your hands to Lilly. She began to laugh and walked with you to the backyard.

Y/n: okey I'll forgive you, if you got a kelly a girl.
Lilly: how should she look like?
Y/n: it doesn't matter. He love all type of girls
Lilly: oh my gosh my friend Bella!!! She's perfect and she live here in New Jersey.
Y/n: thank youuu *you hugged her*
Lilly: is everything Fine again...
Y/n: yessss
Lilly: give me a minute I call her.

~after 20 minutes~

Lilly: Okey
Y/n: what, what happened tell meee?
Lilly: ok she love boys like Kelly... and she doesn't think really about it and said yes
*you guys began to jump up*

M: you guys okey? *you stopped jumping*
Y/n: I uhm yeah *you coughed*
Lilly: yeah you killed our moment MATTIA you killed it
M: maybe I want to jump with you bitches

He hold your hand and began to jump you couldn't stop laughing and Lilly jumped while she cried bc of her laugh. The other one came too and it began to rain..

Kai: Okey let's take a pic!!!
Jen: oh my gosh yessssssssssssss
M: are you a snake or why did you said the "s" so long?
Jen: man im in Ma mood
*everyone began to laugh*
Y/n: come on I'm wet let's take a pic
M: what bc of me?
Y/n: hm maybe *you pushed him away gently*
Lilly: i— that was a Little bit weird
M: yeah I know *he smirked* but I want to take a pic with ma babe
Ale: and I want to take one with Lilly...
*lilly blushed*

 *lilly blushed*

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