"We're humans..."

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Before you began to read, I just wanted to say that some parts of this chapter are a lil bit long but please read, if u don't read it you wouldn't get anymore anything in this book.... I also want to end this book idk I just wrote a lot. If u have some wishes or ideas JUST COMMENT❤️ I love to read your comments!!!! Hope y'all enjoy this and don't forget, y'all are ma loves and sisters🦋💖

You and mattia walked into the living room hand in hand and everyone turned his head around and began to look at you and mattia. You guys stepped back and looked at each other and let your hands go.

*mattias pov*
I hope it isn't this what I think it is. I looked down and saw how y/n began to shake so I grabbed her hand again and walked fast to the couch so she can chill a little bit.

Alv: I knew it *y/n flinched*
Y/n: oh my god I was in shock I thought you were dead!!!!! *she put his head on my chest*
M: what do you mean Alvaro
Alv: she acted weird and I knew you had sex she shaked all the time and hold her stomach!!!!
M: we're humans so it's normal or not?
Kai: Mamas they had a thing *he jumped up*
Ale: yep they actually had
Y/n: ale is everything fine between us
*she looked sad*
Ale: of course!!!! *he hugged her*

I mean why did Alejandro tell everyone. I said he shouldn't do that!!! This dumbass. I just tried to act normal but then I saw how kelly fell asleep in the corner of the couch.

Y/n realized it too and stood, up she went to kelly to wake him up and brought him to his own bed.
After that, the boys began to stare at me like weirdos.

Kai: she took your V-card
Rosh: he grow up so fast *he laughed*
M: uhm actually she don't haha
Kai: what do you mean?
M: jenna took my V-card not y/n
Alv: just don't Tell her!!!

Y/n: to late I guess
Rosh: oh man this day couldn't be worse
*he slapped on his forehead*

I was in shock and regret what I said she looked chill but this wasn't good. I know her if she's chill that means she want to kill me.


Y/n: let's enter the game *she sat next to me*
M: everything fine?
Y/n: yeah hahaha *she kissed my cheek*

Ale: truth or dare kairi?
Kai: dare biatch
Ale: go and kiss ur guy or girl best friend
Kai: okey *he walked towards y/n*

He looked deep in her eyes, put his hands on her cheeks and pulled her into a kiss it was just 3 seconds but it took MF long. I began to burn red and just tried to look away.

Kai: im next!!!
Kai: uhmmmm y/n truth, dare?
Y/n: truth
Kai: with wich person did you had it?
Y/n: uhm Princeton Ma ex....
*she whispered "ma ex"...*
M: WAIT WHAT?! *i was in Shock*
Y/n: pssssht I'm not done yet
Alv: HAHAHAHAHA this is a long list
Y/n: noo hahah I nearly had it with Derek but thank god no, and mattia *she put her hand on my tigh*

*end of pov*

After few rounds we all get tired and it began to be boring so you stood up and grabbed you a bottle of water. Went back in and saw how kairi, Alejandro, Alvaro and Roshaun left.

All of them: bye y/n thank youuu
Y/n: bye guys!!!! *they closed the door.*

M: wanna tell me now?
Y/n: what?
M: Princeton?!
Y/n: oh yeah we dated das it
*you walked to the couch*
M: you said he raped you?
Y/n: yeah he actually did
M: pls tell the whole storyyyy
Y/n: oh man sit down
M: Finallyy

Y/n: so at my old school i was alone and this stuff and everyone bullied me of my appearance except Princeton. So we talked and talked he came over and we chilled. But then he asked me out and I said yes. Then we had a house party and I was drunk but like drunk drunk. He said let's go upstairs I have to talk with you, I agreed and my dumbass walked upstairs with him.
M: oh no
Y/n: thennnn he threw me on the bed and I had a dress on you know. So he threw me on the bed bla bla and then pulled my slip down I didn't want to but he did. Then he went on top of me and raped me, I yelled to get help but no one came in. After 2 minutes he stopped and just said "I wanted to fuck u nothing else" and went out of the room. I began to cry and just ran home and never went back to the school after what happened.
M: im so sorry beb...
Y/n: everything fine haha *you laid in his arms* and I never would be mad if jenna or someone else took your V-card. How you said we're humans it's normal

After some Netflix and chill mattia fell asleep and you began o play with his hair and you also said his mom that he's sleeping today in your house. She agreed and you continued playing with his hair. You put a blanket on him and on you and also fell asleep....

874 words

KINDA BOOOORING BUT IM SORRY❤️ for drama and other cool stuff go and read xoxorose45 books... she's Ma bestie and I love her!!!!!🦋💖

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