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"What are you doing here, Eddie?" It wasn't like him to just turn up out the blue and he looked rather upset, an emotion she had never seen before and she didn't know what to say or do

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"What are you doing here, Eddie?" It wasn't like him to just turn up out the blue and he looked rather upset, an emotion she had never seen before and she didn't know what to say or do. He was always the one to cheer her up and listen to her problems, now it was time for her to do the same for him, because right now, he clearly needed it.

Eddie exhaled as he sat down, "I don't know. I guess I wanted someone to talk to and you always know what to say." He was having a hard time processing his emotions and what had happened previously in the evening and the last thing he wanted was to dump all his problems on Luna but he really needed to get everything out.

"Talk to me? I'm here to listen." Luna reassured him. She didn't want to force him into anything he wasn't comfortable with but he clearly had a lot to get off his chest.

Eddie stared into the air, gathering his thoughts before starting, "My ex-wife is back. I thought when she walked out, she was done with me and being a mother to Christopher but apparently all she needed was a break. It's not fair. Just when Christopher and I were moving on and are happy, she comes back. I love that kid more than anything and he, of course, deserves to have his mother in his life but I'm scared that she will leave again and break his heart. He doesn't deserve that, he's been through too much. Do I still care for her, sure but I don't love her anymore, not like I used to and I don't think I ever will. I just don't know what to do. What should I do?"

"Do you want my honest advice?" Luna asked gently.


Luna nodded before looking at Eddie, "Who is the most important person in your life right now? Who are you doing everything for? Who's the person you are ensuring is happy every single day?"

Eddie smiled, "Christopher."

"Exactly. You have already said that you have moved on and don't love her like you used and that's okay. However, Christopher deserves to have his mother in his life. He's an amazing boy that is growing every single day. This should be his choice, you need to sit down with him and have that conversation. You and Christopher are a team and do everything together and that's why he deserves to have a choice in this decision, she is his mother after all."

"Have I told you I hate it when you're right?"

"I'm always right though."


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"Momma." Mary screamed as she ran towards her mother, hugging her tightly. It had been Luna's day off.

Luna chuckled, "I see someone has been having a really good day today. You wanna tell me what you did?"

As Mary started to talk about her day, Luna noticed a woman trying to get Christopher to leave the class but he clearly did not want to go with her. Luna had a feeling the brunette was his birth mother and he did not look happy to see her. As she watched the scene unfold in front of her, Christopher had noticed her too.

"Luna!" He cried out. The mother was quick to rush towards him with her own daughter in tow.

"Who are you?" His mother had asked a little rudely and normally Luna wouldn't have it but Christopher did not look happy and he was her current main priority.

Luna looked at his mother, "I'm Luna. A teacher at the school and the mother of his best friend. What is going on? I thought Eddie was picking him up today?"

"Oh, so you know Eddie?"

Luna rolled her eyes, "Our children are best friends so Eddie and I have had conversations for their sake. Now, who is supposed to pick Christopher up?"

Luna purposely down played their relationship as she didn't want to have an argument with the birth mother, especially in front of the children. It wasn't fair to them to watch the adults in their lives argue.

"I am. Shannon, what the hell are you doing here?"

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