Chapter 5: It Looked Easier in the Movies

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Unlike a lot of gays he knows, Sarawat never had a phase of questioning his sexuality. He's just always known. His first crush, first jerkoff fantasy, first wet dream—all boys. He may have fancied himself in love with Pam in high school but if he's honest it was never a physical love. He's never felt the slightest stirring of arousal for a girl, despite having an entire fan club eager to pursue him.

But if he had ever doubted it? Any confusion would be one hundred percent erased right now, because going down on Tine is the single most erotic experience of his life.

He's pretty sure he starts out awful at it and it's still the most erotic experience of his life.

First, anytime he can get his mouth on Tine, any part of Tine, is a banner moment in Sarawat's opinion. He pretty much wants to eat Tine alive 24/7 for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and midnight snack. Having Tine spread out naked under him with all that smooth, kissable skin on display, blushing so beautifully with arousal, literally makes his mouth water.

And the way Tine yields. Dear god in heaven. Sarawat had no clue he'd be into that, especially given how turned on he'd been by Tine's more assertive moments—but the way that Tine goes boneless and pliant as Sarawat kisses his way down his body is sexy as fuck. Tine's head is thrown back on his pillow, lips parted, eyes closed; his arms are flung over his head and crossed at the wrist as though bound together; and the sound he makes when Sarawat experimentally places a hand loosely around his throat is obscene. Sarawat has to file that information for future reference because it's way too much to handle right now, but his supposedly spent cock perks right up and takes notice.

(That part of his anatomy is a big fan of Tine in every possible position, though. Sarawat has gotten erections just watching a fully clothed Tine reading a law textbook. In his defense, Tine tends to bite his lower lip when he concentrates.)

Sarawat takes his time. The journey, not the destination, right? And there are fascinating landmarks along the route from Tine's lush mouth to his waiting cock. Sweet nipples to tease with his tongue and teeth, sixpack abs to admire, a taut waist to span with his big hands and squeeze, the dip of Tine's navel to delve. Sarawat loves it all.

Finally, though, he reaches the promised land of Tine's loins and pauses a moment to admire the view, because damn, Tine's got a pretty cock. He's about average in length but he's thick and unlike the majority of Thai men he's circumcised, so the tempting round plum of his glans is already on full display and blushing as sweetly pink as Tine's cheeks. Sarawat can't resist planting a lingering kiss on the tip, teasing the tiny slit with his tongue before attempting a gentle suction.

"Sarawat," Tine groans. "Oh god, Wat..."

Encouraged by the pleading note in Tine's voice, Sarawat draws the entire head into his mouth, lusciously plump on his tongue. Tine smells of body wash and warm boy but tastes lightly of musk and salt. He tries a little nibble, just barely scraping the glans with his teeth, and is rewarded by another gasp of "Sarawat!" from his boyfriend. Humming with pleasure, he begins a slow rhythm with his hand at the base and his lips and tongue working the tip, gradually taking in more of Tine's length with each repetition. He feels a little uncoordinated at first; this isn't the angle he's accustomed to from stroking himself, and he's never had to consciously consider the limits of his gag reflex before. Why are bodies so inconvenient? The logistics of doing this the first time are distracting when all he really wants is to lose himself in the taste and feel of Tine.

God, Tine is stunning like this. He's mostly nonverbal as Sarawat continues, other than the occasional gasp of "yes" or "please," but Tine's body is eloquent in its approval. His cock throbs on Sarawat's tongue; his thighs loosen and part invitingly; his back takes on a pleading arch; his hands come down to fist in Sarawat's hair and he moans, long and half-pained and gorgeous. Sarawat feels as powerful as a despotic king at that sound. He steps up the pace to draw that sound out of Tine again, wishing he could record it and put it on repeat the way Tine listens to Scrubb. That's the sound of his boy wanting him, and it's fucking beautiful.

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