Ch. 1

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I wake up too my annoying alarm clock at 7 a.m. Today I'm going to the mall with me, myself, and I. It will be perfect. A day all to myself. I get up and stumble into the bathroom.

After I'm done with my shower I dry off my body and throw my hair up in a towel to help it dry. I walk out of the bathroom into my bedroom and grab an outfit:

A light green crop top

High waisted shorts

White Vans

I finish putting on my outfit and walk back into my bathroom and put a little mascara on my eyelashes. I pull the towel towel away and shake out my hair. the smell of my Coconut Breeze hair product fills my nose. I hang my towel up and brush out my hair. I pull my hair to the side and scrunch it up with my hands. A few scrunches later my hair has a shiny crimp. I pin one side of my hair back with a black bobby pin and grab my iPhone 5s. I see a text from my mom saying she might be working late and that there was leftovers in the fridge. Its such a surprise she will be working late, note the sarcasm. I walk over to my closet and grab a long black purse and swing it over my head so it crosses over my body.

Down stairs I grab a protein bar, my car keys and walk out the door. I don't like to eat a lot. When I was in 5th and 6th I got bullied for being "fat". It was a long time ago but ever since I haven't ate a lot. My mom says it's not healthy and that she is worried it could increase, my already high, risk of heart attack, blah, blah, blah. And besides I know I'm not fat anymore but I don't want to regain the weight, so I don't eat a lot.

I walk into the mall towards Aeropostal. I'm about to walk into the store when someone stops me. I turn around to see who it is.

"Hello! My name is Bryant."He says holding his hand out for me to shake.

I gladly shake it and stutter"H-hi! Um, my name is, uhh... Rebecca!"

He laughs"You sure?"I nod my head and laugh with him."Anyway, you just so happened to catch my eye as you were about to walk into this amazing store, which I just so happened to have signed a contract to be the photographer for one of their new clothing lines coming out. And they said I could pick my own models as long as I ran by them who they were."

"Wait! Are YOU asking ME to be a model for an AEROPOSTALE photoshoot?"

He pretends to think about what I just said and then says yes while nodding."I am. Have you had any past modeling experiences?"

"No." I say letting that sink in. I haven't. Maybe this is a prank, I mean I'm not pretty. Why would someone want me to be a model. I'm a girl with a dead father, a part time mom, a bad history of bullying, I do harmful things to myself and I'm not pretty.

" would you like the job?"Bryant finishes talking.

"Can I think about it?" I say. This has to be a prank.

"Sure, this is a lot to take in after all. Here is my card if you decide to take my offer."He says pulling a card out and handing it to me.

"Thank you!" I say to him accepting the card.

"Don't mention it!" He says beginning to walk away. I walk into Aeropostal. I don't think I will be taking the offer but I might as well get some new clothes. That is why I came here in the first place. I pick out some cute high waisted shorts, regular shorts, a few crop tops, sandals and flip flops. I try everything on to make sure it fits. My total ends up being around $50.

I begin walking to Victorious Secret. I got a pair of Pink sweatpants and a Pink crew neck sweatshirt. Before getting in line I grab some mascara, since mine is running low, and a bottle of Such A Flirt perfume. It wasn't as much as I expected everything to cost but still a lot. I'm going to stop at a few stores that I have gift cards and stuff for then head home. I'm already exhausted and I have to think about whether I want to be a model or not.


I walk into my house and flip on the lights. Upstairs I drop my stuff in my room then go back downstairs. In the kitchen I pull leftover spaghetti out of the fridge. I plop a small serving of it on my plate and put it in the microwave for 45 seconds.

As I eat I watch Modern Family. I feel the cushion buzz and look down at my phone as the commercial comes on.

mother hen🐤
Hey honey! Turns out I will be home in about a half hour! Have you ate yet?

I'm eating right now but I can wait until you get home

mother hen🐤
That would be great! Can't wait to here about your day! See you in 30!❤️


I press the home button and set my spaghetti on the table in front of me. I look back to my phone and get on YouTube. I type Matt Espinosa and his Chanel comes up. I watch his new video. It's with Nash... I don't know why but I don't really like Nash. He seems kind of full of him self. Maybe it's just me. I don't know. But Matt! Oh my gosh! He is so bæ and he is himself too, which is even better.

I hear my moms car pull up and shut my phone and the T.V. off. I get up and grab my plate to set it on the counter as my mom walks in.

"Hey." I say to her.

"Hey sweet heart!" She says smiling and setting down her stuff."So what happened today? What did you end up buying?"

"Well, umm I got offered a job and everything I got is upstairs." I say reaching for my phone. But my mom comes and gives me a hug.

"What's the job?!" She has a huge smile across her face.

"To be a model for an Aeropostale photo shoot. But I don't know if I'm going to take it."I say quickly.

"Honey! That is AMAZING! Why wouldn't you take it?!"

"I don't know." I say this because I really don't.

"Well your taking it. Is there a number you can call?" She says grabbing her phone.

"Yes, it's upstairs." I sigh.

She runs up stairs to grab the card. I haven't seen her this happy since before dad died. She comes down stairs dialing the number. She hands it to me and says it's my job so I call. I grab the phone and press call.

So this is my first chapter💘 Tell me what you think of it, good or bad, and any ideas for it. I know it's not to far in the story but a little feed back doesn't hurt! Thank you lovelies💘☺️

Dare•ah<< that's how you pronounce it✌️

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