part 7

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Ryuu wound up going to the park he sat by a tree and sighed he was clearly still pissed "Ryuu are ok you seem very mad what happened" Hyrako asked Ryuu didn't seem to calm down to much "Hyrako just leave him alone i jave a feeling that the king and queen brought up Isu-" Drax was cut off by Ryuu grabbing Drax by the throat " Dont you fucking say his name you are no better than my damn step-parents the only reason you are here is because if you wernt Hyrako wouldn't be aloud here so you better shut the hell up before you wind up dead" Ryuu said choking Drax he was unable to breath. "Calm down Ryuu" Hyrako said Ryuu looked at Hyrako then dropped Drax "sorry i didn't mean to get like that its just i dont do to well with what they keept bringing up" Ryuu said to Hyrako. Drax was coughing a little then said " wow apologize to the kid who didn't just get hurt by you but not to me you just fucking choked the hell out of me!" Drax said annoyed. "Oh shut it already" Ryuu said Drax growled a bit then shut up "Drax why do you hate Ryuu?" Hyrako asked as Ryuu waled over to a small picnic table and sat down and laid his head down Hyrako and Drax wernt that far away so they didnt walk over "why do you want to know so bad Hyrako" Drax asked getting annoyed with Hyrako " just tell me already" Hyrako said Drax looked at Hyrako "why dont you use youre abilities" Drax said Hyrako froze for a moment then walked to Ryuu sure enough he had dropped the subject Drax laughed a but then walked over as well he leaned into Hyrakos ear and whispers " you are weak if you are scared to use those lovely abilities" Hyrako looked at the ground " shut up" Hyrako mumbled in a whisper but Drax didnt listen he keept going " why are you so scared you could easily get the answer to your questions if you went through a few memorys or messed with a dream or two" Drax whispers in Hyrakos ear Drax thought Ryuu was asleep it was the only reason he kept going Hyrakos eyes widen at the mention of messing with dreams part "oh~ did you do something that may have hurt someone befor with your power" Drax whispers again Ryuu simply listened he didn't want to get involved just yet "shut up shut up shut up " Hyrako keept saying each time geting a little louder " why dont you mess with Ryuus dream a bit figure out the answer to a few of the questions you want to ask but are scared to ask he wont know you are messing with the dream" Drax whispers with a smile on "SHUT UP PLEASE JUST STOP ALREADY" Hyrako screamed holding his head as he fell to his knees "oh come on how can you be so weak i mean you could be just as strong as Ryuu if you used your power so use it" Drax said a bit loud "i wont i wont use my power i ....-" Hyrako said but was cut off by Ryuu who sat up and said "Drax leave him the hell alone he isnt the one you hate i am so leave him alone befor something bad just so happens to go wrong with you and youre helth" Ryuu said this took Drax by suprise " you are up . . .how long have you been up" Drax mumbled "yes im up and ive been up the entire time" Ryuu growled to Drax who took a few steps back "Now Ryuu i was just messing around with him i didn't mean any of it" Drax said his voice calm Ryuu stood up and walked to Drax " oh no you ment it all are you stupid or just forgot i can read emotiona i mean come on and did you really want him to go and mess with my dream you have any clue how many things could go wrong with that" Ryuu said in a loud growle Hyrako froze up he couldn't move tears ran down his face as he remembered what happened the last time he used his power he just couldn't fo or say anything he was stuck in his own memories " Prince Ryuu please calm down. " Drax said he could tell something was off with Ryuu but he didn't seem to care right now. Ryuus eyes go a blazing redish orange his Blaze side was demanding blood and by the looks of it Ryuu may not be able to fight it anymore hit he waa truly trying to fight back. "My prince please you need to calm down" Drax said to Ryuu he was clearly annoyed at this point "what are you scared oh what a shame maybe if you used youre retarded ass kinda power youd stand a chance" Ryuu sceramed as he punched Drax to the ground " you are no better than youre birth parents you are nothing but a monster i mean who knows how many people you have killed" Drax said Ryuu took a step back his eyes widden a bit then color returning to normol" ive. . . ive only " Ryuu couldn't seem to form anymore words Drax smiled Hyrako was still unable to do anything "so you have killed but the real question is how many did you kill" Drax said and stood up "shut up Drax" Ryuu said "oh and if i dont what are you kill me" Drax said "no. . ."Ryuu mumbled "Yall are both to scared to use your abilities its so stupid yall could be the stongest people in the world yet yall are to scared!" Drax screamed at Ryuu " im not scared Drax i just dont want to kill cant you just understand that" Ryuu said as he regained control of his emothions "no i cant Ryuu if i were you i wouldnt care id kill till i culdnt anymore just like youre parents" Drax said Ryuu looked at Drax "and why dont you kill now ?" Ryuu asked "oh i do my first kill was that friend of yours that gave the tast for blood i now have i love to kill and for the longest ive wanted to kill you and now i can finaly do it i could kill you then Hyrako and easily say that Hyrako killed the you and would not calm down do i had to kill him"Drax laughed and Ryuu sighed " Drax have you just not did your reasurch do you really think im only Dragon? How stupid. im a bit more than just that" Ryuu said as he looked at Drax he then froze time "you will be arrested for treason if my step-parent do not comply i will be forced to handle you myself"Ryuu saod walking to Drax he was the only one abled to move he teleported handcuffs in his hand the handcuffed Drax and un froze time Hyrako had finally calmed down and came to reality "i didn't mean to do it" Hyrako mumbled "hey its ok Hyrako its all in the past i may not now what happened but it will be fine ok" Ryuu said as he started to drag Drax to the castle "come on we need to go back now" Ryuu said " ok. . .and sorry i wasn't much help" Hyrako said as he folowed Ryuu to the castle once they got their Ryuu Explained all that happened and Drax was thrown in jail and another guard was apointed to watch Hyrako and Ryuu for the next 5 or 6 days. the week went by rather fast they didnt do much and not much happened that week Ryuu only ever went to a small cafe or the park then hed normaly go back home the entire week Kirin was planning the little sleep overe like getting a few things and stuff like that mostly. Hyrako worked really hard to porve to the king and queen he was fit for tt and of course he got the job and then it was finaly the day befor the plansd day for the sleep over "You exited for tomorrow Ryuu?" Hyrako asked jokingly as he walked in to Ryuus room to see Ryuu jumping around and getting a few things together like some cloths and a few other essentials "YES I CANT WAIT!" Ryuu said in a loud and obnoxious toun of voice Hyrako was leaning against the door frame he had a smaile on " you know you act like a kid when you get exicited Ryuu" Hyrako saod "not true" Ryuu said as he looked over at Hyrako " anyway how tall are you Ryuu?" Hyrako asked "im 5'4 you?" Ryuu said Hyrako giggled a bit and smiled "6 feet tall" Hyrako said and Ryuu looked at Hyrako " not fairrr" Ryuu said " how?" Hyrako asked " hmph what do you want to do" Ryuu asked "honestly sleep but i can do that because im technically working right now" Hyrako said. Ryuu smiled "Then sleep with me im kinda tired i didn't get any sleep last night so yah"Ryuu said "But im working Ryuu plus its only like 5 in the afternoon come one" Hyrako said but Ryuu only smiled in responce he then started to remove his shirt " that dosnt matter im tired and i will most likely just wake up tomorrow around 6 if i go to sleep now so its not a big deal" Ryuu said then threw his shirt in a basket " Ryuu i hope you know im not going to go to sleep with you" Hyrako said laughing a bit "Come on Hyrako please i sleep better with youuuuu" Ryuu begged " fine but if i get in truble its youre fault Ryuu" Hyrako said and walked to Ryuu Ryuu kicked his shoes off and got unded the covers then waited for Hyrako. Hyrako kicked his shoes off too then got under the covers with Ryuu. Ryuu then curles up next to Hyrako. Ryuu looked at Hyrako "You never seem to really tuch or hug me anytime when we sleep together why is that exactly could it be.... because i have not have a shirt on" Ryuu said Hyrako "N. . .No" Hurako said a bit nervously Ryuu grabbed Hyrakos grabbed hand and placed Hyrakos hand in the middle of his own chest " so you don't mind this" Ryuu said with a smile as Hyrako was a light red " hmph" Hyrako said "you hardly ever look at my chest either you only look when im walking around because then its a bit harder not to look if i have no shirt on right?" Ryuu said Hyrako looked into Ryuus eyes refusing to look anywhere else he hasn't even tried to move his hand Ryuu moved his own hand to his side. Ryuu looked at Hyrakos lips his face grew a bit red "Hyrako. . ." Ryuu said on a low voice "what?" Hyrako asked in a low voice "nevermind im uh. . .im tired mind if we go to sleep now" Ryuu said averting his eyes "yah ok?" Hyrako said as he moved his hand Ryuu rolled over his face still a bit red he closed his eyes and took a deep breath after a while they both wound up falling asleep

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