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(I did not give mature content tag before but obviously there will be some mature contents.....it is just a glimpses though..)

Forth's POV

" Phi....Ah! Phi Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!....... Phi stop!!!!.....Phi...Ah...ummmm...
harder phi!!!! There.."

A very sexy naked Beam is squirming beneath me....and his sexy moans are blessing my ears.....

"phiiiiii ......uhhhh......I can't...."

Beam said breathlessly and his whole body bouncing with my pounding...

What a view to my eyes...Beam is glowing with sweat all over his body.....making me intoxicated with his smell....

"Phi I can't take any more......ughhhh!"


What the fuck!!!!!!!!

I woke up from my sleep....my shirt is dripping wet by my sweat and fuck I am hard.....

And I had wet dream about nong Beam!!!


what the hell!!!

My heart is racing very fast..

Damn!!! I closed my eyes...that kissable red lips...shit! I opened my eyes..



Kia came to meet me at the usual cafe we meet...

"Forthee I wanna buy some clothes please help me na!!!! my new semester is coming....I will wear that on the welcoming day.."

(Don't ask me what is welcoming day😑...lets think it as the 1st day of the new semester but special enough to wear new clothes...don't know😑)

"you don't know how I regret now to stand by you for 2 years Forthee"

"Now I can't even think my life without you....lets go na.."

She gave me a kiss in the cheeks while blushing....

Ah!! I need to choose clothes for her... hell I can't decide.....

Wait I always do this for nong Beam also.....but that seems more fun....

with her nagging it is becoming more tiring....

"Hey!! Why don't you give your attention to me ha? what are you thinking?"

" why are you being like this? Ahhh!! you wanna cheat me with your nong right....that asshole...ohh sorry I am not allowed to say anything about him"

Kia pouts..

Again!! she just need a second to insult Beam...I feel irritated and  choose to ignore....

she becomes busy again...

"P I can't reach...hand me over that shirt please."

I snap hearing the voice....

I saw Beam making small jumps to reach a rack of shirt....

Shit!! He was always that cute or I am imagining things in my head..

Then I feel a pang in my chest...Kia's new semester coming means Beam will be a freshman soon...

he also need to buy new clothes...

.It's always me who chooses everything for him..

I made him dependent on me and then left him....

That day after Aunt Lien's call I decided to not to contact Beam for few days...

I don't even know how to confront him...

I don't wanna hurt him anymore so it is better not to communicate....
untill I settle myself with all these...

"Forth its done lets go...!!"

I eyed Beam for the last time....is he been a bit more slim...don't know...

She invited me to her room after dinner and I can clearly understand that she is expecting things...

This girl!!! she does not know how to give time..

She came and sat on my lap..

" Fortheee!!! close your eyes!!! I wanna kiss but I am feeling shy please na!!!"

Her lips lands on mine....

Ummm...it feels good?

I closed my eyes...
"phi why are you late?"

Shitt!! I saw Beam?Fuck I am aroused.....

Oh! she is rubbing her hands down there that's why I am aroused....I thought...Beam...no shit!!

End of Flashback

I think all these events today like seeing Beam and being intimate with Kia...merged in my dream...

I never saw Beam in that way...I think Beam's confession is making me confused...

And Kia's constant insulting words towards Beam is making me very hard to control myself..

Don't know I need to talk with Kia to bring the situation to normal with Beam...

Unless my mind will not be at peace and I don't wanna hurt neither Kia nor Beam.....

(you can't please everyone Forth you need to choose..)

(Hi, Sini here, I am new at this...

let me know how the story is going😅😅??
And thanks for everything💜💜

Bye for now😘)

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