17.Hey! come closer!

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(I don't like to glorify the confessions and the 'I love you' words.....

It does not matter how lavishly you propose or confess.....

what matters is the assurance the presence the promise to keep....

In this chapter POV is changing very frequently so read carefully)

Beam's POV

I am sitting beside his bed..

He seems  to sleep for an hour now..

I don't know I should cry or laugh?

Everytime I looked at him...he again  start crying....

I threat him that I will leave if he started crying one more time and then he stopped and now sleeping with a pout...

Phi is adorable...

How he became child like this....

Shit I missed him...I missed his warmth but its too late.....


I came back from my thoughts....

" What?"

"I can't sleep..."

He pouted....

"Uff! what can I do? try to sleep!"

" I can't sleep  if you seat beside me like this..
you won't get sleep in that chair..

Come! the bed is sufficient for two people...sleep beside me...."

"Oye! how dare you? I won't sleep beside you ever!"

"Beam I am sick and I can't get sleep"

He looked at me with puppy eyes..

" What! are you really a baby?"

I had  no way rather than sleeping beside him....

Unless his demands will continue..

"Oye! you will catch cold come inside my blanket...."

"You don't need to bother phi just sleep!!!!
don't you dare to touch me okay?"

" Beam!! I am your phi....will I take advantage of you?

I am caring about you and my sleep..
you can't do that for a sick person?"

Ah again he is ill...

"Fine but if your skin touch my skin for a second! I will forgot you are older than me!!! got it?"

I saw him smirked at me and turn back....I am facing his backside...

Phi surely knows how to fulfill his demands...

What I am even doing in phi's dorm..in phi's room under phi's blanket!!!

Babysitting a man who is much more  older than me?😑😑😑😑😑

I closed my eyes......

This situation is giving me heartache like I will get heart attack soon...

A happy feeling is crawling under my skin...

I missed this warmth.....

" Beeammm!"

"Fuck? what now! I was going to sleep!"

" I can't sleep....my head is hurting!
I need someone to message my forehead!"

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