part 3

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-2 months later-

(corals pov)I left the tent and packed a bag and put on some different gear and fixed my tentacles after I went into the truck that marina and pearl owned that they used to take supplies to the camp and octolings to the surface if they were ready to go see and play turf war "yo yo yo yo coral is your back ok?" pearl asked in her normal hip hop way "y-yea" marina went to me and put her hand on my back it stinged a little bit but I could handle it "coral if you need anything just go to the studio in the town its close to the tower ok coral?" I nodded my head yes they gained my trust a bit to where I could ask them for help but I still couldnt trust them much from the acedent they knew about it to sence they helped me get away from that place and helped my back heal properly (yes I know octopuss and squids don't have flopping bones) I really owed them so I trusted them a bit they were my closest and only friends the truck started moving and bouncing and I suddenly felt sick in the stomach so I looked back at the camp out of the only window witch was on the doors pearl looked over to me as I looked back at the camp "coral?" marina asked me I jumped a bit when she said that to me "y-yea?" I turned to face her properly so I wasent rude after all she used to be my general in the army "I'll sit with you pearlie can you drive?" marina sat with me as pearl put some lifts on her shoes and drove while marina puts her hand on my head "coral you will be fine and you can live in our place for the time until you can get on your feet coral "t-thanks" I answered pearl and marina owned a tv show and they called themselves off the hook they took it themselves to take care of octolings like me.

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