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Look at the world's memories...

...A girl wakes up, sunling passing through the window, her bedsheets torned and tatered, her room just an empty square of craking walls, no love for herself.

She gets up and dresses herself with worn out clothes, today's schedules will begin soon. She decides to walk down the street to get something to eat, and she sees a familiar face. A boy standing at the daily corner waiting for her as usual, asking if he could buy her some lunch. The girl usally declines but decides to accept this one, some of her sales were'nt too good this week.

The boy seems entusiastic about her, and those feeling make the girl happy, a feeling she has'nt felt for a while, but the converstion stops when she sees a man enter her house, her first appointment. The boy persist though, and the meetings with him grew in number, skipping some appointments in the process, and the girls happiness grew more and more, until one day the girl reluctantly tells the boy about her work, about how many men she's been with. The boy tells her he does'nt care, that he loves her, and that he will still meet with her, forever...

...The next day the boy wasnt there, not the next, nor the day after that. Days turned to weeks, weeks to months, and months to years, yet the boy is nowhere to be seen. He is happily married in another country, not even remembering the girl he claimed he once loved...

The girl falls into a deep depression, until one day, a customer unhappy with his service, grabbes her by the throat and thightenened his grip...

... The girl dies as a Jane Doe... The boy lives happily in his betrayal... The mechanical god weeps a tear for this memory, and names it "The fading rose" and puts it in his archive, forever to be forgotten by mankind.

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