chapter ten

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Jonathan Dwyer was hosting a party tonight. And not just any party. A 2000's themed party. I wasn't a huge party girl by any means but I would make an exception for a 2000's themed party.

I wore one of my dad's old basketball jerseys and wore shorts that you couldn't really see underneath. I found my name necklace and my gold hoop earrings. I put a bandaid under my eye like Nelly and wore my air forces, also like Nelly. I put the front part of my hair into pigtails and left the last part down. The finishing touches were the blue bandana that I tied around my head and the sweatband that went around my wrist.

I looked in the mirror and felt content with my get up. I sent a picture to Harper and she gushed over my costume before sending me a picture back.

Harper looked really good but she had taken a different approach. She was wearing low rise jeans and a pink tube top. My body could not pull off such a look but Harper looked great. She had barrettes in her hair and also wore hoop earrings. She wore strappy sandals on her feet and had her hair up in pigtails.

Harper and I were going to drive over together. I was supposed to go with Jordan but after our fight I hadn't mustered enough courage to stop avoiding him. He was being a dick and I wanted no parts in that.

Harper was supposed to go with Liam but she decided to meet him there once she found out I was going alone. I felt bad about it so once we got to the party I figured I would find some other friends to hang with so Harper could do her thing.

She sent a text saying she was on her way, so I packed a bag before going downstairs to show off my outfit to the parentals.

They were in the living room watching a movie when I strutted in front of the TV screen so they would see me.

"So... what do you guys think?" I asked as I gestured to myself.

My parents looked at one another and laughed softly.

"I can't tell what's worse. Knowing that we're so old that the 2000's is a theme for parties now or having a daughter wearing a bandaid on her cheek," my dad said.

I rolled my eyes. "Dad. This is a Nelly inspired look," I reminded him.

He clicked his tongue. "Oh. Right. I forgot about the bandaid thing," he muttered.

"Where's your grill?" My mom asked.

I slapped my hand on my thigh. "Dang it I knew there was something I forgot."

"It's okay baby. I think you look great." My mom said consoling me.

"Thanks mom."

I looked to my dad and once I saw the expression on his face I sighed. My dad was the stricter parent so I knew what was coming. I didn't even have to wait long.

"You're staying the night at Harper's?"

"Yeah Dad," I said.

"I want you checking in. When you get to the party, when you leave the party, and when you get to Harper's house."

"Okay. I will."

My mom looked at me. And remember what I always tell you. If you get to the party and there just so happens to be illegal teenage drinking-" she said with extra emphasis on the word illegal, which was probably to remind me that I shouldn't be drinking. "Do not get in a car with anyone who has been under the influence. And if you find yourself in a situation where you feel unsafe please call me or your father. I promise we will drop everything to come get you and there won't even be consequences. I know things happen. You've shown us that you're responsible and that's why we trust you. Still, you know that if you break that trust it'll be really hard to get back."

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