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"Ok! Everyone here?" I called looking over the crowd of disoriented people. Most were in groups of two or more. Dakota and I stood atop a large rock we found as the rest of the crew stood on the sand below.

Dakota took out the passenger list from her pocket and began to read the names aloud.


A medium sized woman with blonde hair spoke up. "Here."


A tall, muscled man with short hair and a fighter jacket smiled and answered.

"Harry, Ron Hermione?" she called clearly.

A trio answered 'here' at the same time. One with messy black hair and green eyes, a ginger, and a bushy haired girl.

"Fred, George, and Percy?"

Three red-headed boys replied, two of which were twins and the third looked down on both of them. the twins looked like fun trouble.

"Doctor?" She called a blush creeping up to her face.

Another man with wild brown hair, suit and coat stepped forward. "i'm here. Where are we do you think? I'd hate to be stranded too far away. I just promised Rose a trip to America, she insisted on taking a plane..." he rambled.

"Alright, got the picture proffessor." I replied snippily. i saw Logan smile and shake his head. I smiled and Dakota went on.

"The Master?" she asked with a puzzled look on her face. She waited for a bit and with no answer she saw that the man with bleached hair and a black hoodie, bleeding every where was out cold in the sand.

"Anyone want to help him?" I asked the crowd.

"I'll help him." the Doctor said.

The rest of the crowd was silent. Some, like Logan and that Jack guy looked at me with lustful expressions. I glared at Jack until he looked away and I winked my violet eyes at Logan. He responded with a playful bite of his teeth. I smiled.

"Doctor Watson and Sherlock Holmes?" Dakota's voice rang out across the tiny beach.

Two men, one with crazy hair and another that looked more sophisticated stepped forward. "That would be us," said the one with crazy hair. He come up to our rock and shook Dakota's hand and took mine and kissed the back of it. I looked at him with an evil, crooked smile on my face as i practically heard Logan growl. "I'm Sherlock Holmes, and this is my colleague and partner, Dr. Watson."

"A pleasure to meet you both," I said with the same evil smile i was so known for.

"Magneato?" Dakota said with even more question in her voice. Logan spoke up with an edge in his voice, "Yeah, he's over there." Jabbing his thumb over his shoulder.

"Should I assume that no one wants to help him?" I asked the crowd with sarcasm dripping from my words. I sighed and motioned for Dakota to continue.

"Uh, Logan?" she asked looking out at the crowd.

He stood with his feet apart. His muscles showed through his leather jacket that I so loved. He had a determined expression on his face and a look in his eyes that told me: "We'll talk later". I smiled, nodded, and laughed to myself.

"Uh," Dakota said, looking at the list, "We're both here," she said aside to me. "Well," she announced to the restless crowd, "I think that's all of us."

"Yeah," i interjected, "So if y'alls wanna set up your camp sites, that'd be great." i hopped off the tall rock with angelic grace as we set out to claim our space. As I walked past Sherlock, he grabbed my arm and whispered in my ear, "If I don say so myself, you do look ravishing dear."

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