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I couldn't sleep, even if I wanted to. I watched as everyone went to their respective tents, and I followed. I didn't want to seem like I knew something, especially if the Master and Magneto were still out there. I didn't want to risk it.

As I laid down in the cot surrounded by other teenagers, I decided to just lose myself in thought. While my thoughts did entertain me for at least an hour, my energetic personality begged for sleep. No matter how much I wanted to just stay up all the time, I couldn't be haunted with visions of my closest friend being tortured, controlled, and used for things I couldn't even begin to comprehend.

To keep my body awake, I shifted into a small rodent again and slipped out of the tent to explore the island some more. I needed to do something to keep me awake, and nightmares would only concern those around me, then I'd have to tell them, and that would only put them all in danger.

Once I was far enough away, I shifted into a deer to move swiftly through the forest. I figured I could use this time to find the Master or Magneto, neither of them could be up to much good. I weaved in and out of the trees, my footsteps as silent as the shadows and my attentive ears tuned to the forest's every sound. I picked up some movement half a mile from where I was, so I sprinted toward it, trying to stay as silent as I could.

Much to my despise, it was nothing more than a hungry rodent, I stomped the ground with my hoof and turned to sprint away back to camp, when I heard someone talk behind me.

"Tsk, tsk, who let the little girl out on her own in the dark? You know it's not good to wander off on your own." I saw the Master slink out of the shadows, hidden with his dark clothing. I shifted back into myself.

"What do you want?" I hissed.

"I don't want anything. Not from you anyway. Now, I wouldn't try going anywhere, well, that would certainly be hard with an injury like you're going to have." he said with a manical grin.

"What injury-" but my question was cut off by a searing pain in my leg, and I hit the ground.

"Don't worry about that. You see, as a Timelord, I can be quite clever. So it's probably not a good idea to let me around a bunch of old machinery, someone could manipulate it into a weapon." he crouched down to where I was writhing in pain. "Now unless you want all your little buddies to die tonight, I need you to bring Magneto and I the one called Skylar. She is very important to us, and if you cause any trouble, or fail to agree to our requests, then I can garuntee you that I will murder everyone on this island." his voice was seeping with bitter hatred and contempt. I could see no lie behind him, this man was truly a pshycopath, and I could tell that there was nothing I could do to stop him.

Sorry about the long wait, we've both been really busy this semester, we'll get on here more soon hopefully! ~Dakota

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