💖Chapter 2💖

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* 2 days later* 

B- Brooke A-amber

Brookes pov: When me and amber posted out tiktok, it's been going around and it now has 2million views. I woke up and decided to go to Starbucks. 

B. "Amber I'm going to Starbucks!!" I say

 A. " ok, I'm coming!! "

Still Brookes pov: Me and amber go into Starbucks and order our drinks. We are out old bff, Sadie. We were all bffs till we started high school them she became a bitch and she bullied us so now we obviously aren't friends. She is the last person we wanted to see. 

S. " hey guys" she said it in a bitchy voice . 

B&A. " what do u want sadie?? "

S. " wow I just wanted to say hi! "

A. "Yeah right!!" Amber has always been the more " out there" one.

* The next thing I know Sadie slapped amber and she fell to the ground.* 

A random teen boy came up to us and asked if we were ok. He helped amber up and said "hey are u ok?? My name's Quinton." Then all of a sudden a bunch more boys show up and help us up. They all introduced themselves .

???. I'm jaden!!! 

???. I'm bryce!!

???. I'm griffin!!

???. Hey I'm Anthony.

a couple more boys said hey and I was daydreaming when Quinton speaks up and starts talking......

Q. " hey your kinda cute , can I get your number?? " he was blushing and looked really nervous.

I didn't want to make him embarrassed or sad so I said yes. 

B. " Yeah sure!! " then I look at the boys and they are all smiling except jaden and bryce. I wondered why. But I just ignored them and left with Amber. We went home and went to sleep. Amber slept over.

Sorry if this is boring. I'm trying. Love you guys. 💕

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