💛Chapter 4💛

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Recap: The car crashed.


A car ran into the side of me. I rolled into the ditch that was on the side of the road. I most likely would've had a chance to get out of the car but another car rammed into me that was the last thing i remember before everything went black.


I was sitting in my room waiting for Brooke when i realized that she was an hour late.  I know  that i hadnt known her long but i knew she wasnt the type of person to blow me off. I was freaking out when i got a call from the hospital. I answered it and i was so nervous.

D= doctor     Q= quinton

D- hello, is the Quinton Griggs ???

Q- yes. Why are u calling??? I said really nervously. 

D- Do you know ms. Brooke Sanchez???

Q- yes ma'am?? Whats wrong??

D- well i am calling to inform u that ms. Sanchez has been in a horrible accident. A car rammed into hers.

Q- OMG!!! WHAT!!!! I started to cry. 

D- im so sorry. You need to come and see your girlfriend sir.

Q- Girlfriend??? I was really confused. 

D- well when we found  her we found her phone and looked im her contacts to see who looked like an important person in her life and she had a heart by your name so we called you. 

Q- ok thx. Im on my way. 

I hopped in the car and drove to the hopped into the car and drove ro the hospital. I was so scared.  I went up to the counter and they said the crash was so bad they already knew who i came to see. A nurse to me to her room and i couldnt believe it!

Sorry babys!! Another cliffhanger!!! Hope u liked it!! Love you all!!❤❤❤❤

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